Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle

Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle — Rebuild & Preserve Muscle Ageless Muscle Supplement Facts
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The Muscle-Support Supplement with Clinically-Backed Ingredients

With the proven benefits of HMB, creatine, and more, Ageless Muscle provides support to:

  • Combat age-related muscle loss and strength loss
  • Increase, preserve, and support healthy muscle function – even WITHOUT exercising
  • Help maintain your independence and freedom of movement as you age
  • Promote muscular endurance
  • Improve athletic performance, including strength, endurance, and power
  • Promote hydration of your body
  • Help reduce muscle soreness and promote post-exercise recovery
  • Get and stay lean and fit as you age to look your amazing best!

Ageless Muscle provides you with:

  • myHMB, backed by over 50 human studies. HMB helps increase muscle building while decreasing muscle breakdown.
  • Premium creatine at the optimal dose for non-bodybuilder healthy aging. Creatine helps increase muscle size and strength and overall performance.
  • Betaine, the powerful “supporting cast” ingredient for helping increase muscle hydration.
  • Vitamin D, a vitamin most people are far too low in. Vitamin D is vital to unlock the benefits of HMB, so it’s essential to increase muscle mass and decrease muscle breakdown.
  • Delicious Fruit Punch or versatile Unflavored
  • Takes just 30 seconds to prepare – just add to water or smoothies, yogurts, and more
  • No artificial sweeteners, non-GMO, and gluten-free

The Muscle-Support Supplement with Clinically-Backed Ingredients

With the proven benefits of HMB, creatine, and more, Ageless Muscle provides support to:

  • Combat age-related muscle loss and strength loss
  • Increase, preserve, and support healthy muscle function – even WITHOUT exercising
  • Help maintain your independence and freedom of movement as you age
  • Promote muscular endurance
  • Improve athletic performance, including strength, endurance, and power
  • Promote hydration of your body
  • Help reduce muscle soreness and promote post-exercise recovery
  • Get and stay lean and fit as you age to look your amazing best!

Ageless Muscle provides you with:

  • myHMB, backed by over 50 human studies. HMB helps increase muscle building while decreasing muscle breakdown.
  • Premium creatine at the optimal dose for non-bodybuilder healthy aging. Creatine helps increase muscle size and strength and overall performance.
  • Betaine, the powerful “supporting cast” ingredient for helping increase muscle hydration.
  • Vitamin D, a vitamin most people are far too low in. Vitamin D is vital to unlock the benefits of HMB, so it’s essential to increase muscle mass and decrease muscle breakdown.
  • Delicious Fruit Punch or versatile Unflavored
  • Takes just 30 seconds to prepare – just add to water or smoothies, yogurts, and more
  • No artificial sweeteners, non-GMO, and gluten-free
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

muscle support supplement

4 Key Muscle-Support Ingredients

No Artificial Sweeteners

Mixes Easily

What Happens to Muscle Mass & Strength as You Age?

Healthy muscle function means movement.

And your ability to move freely as you age – without health issues and suffering, without depending on others – is the very definition of “quality of life.”

That’s because having healthy muscles is about far more than looking fit and lean.

Every joint and organ in your body, for example, depends on you having strong muscles so they can do their job properly and not fail you.

Even your healthy metabolism – your body’s ability to properly convert food into energy for you – requires healthy muscles.

That’s why one of the “worst offenders” when it comes to greatly reducing quality of life as you get older may well be the loss of muscle mass and strength.

This ability to move is often referred to as your “functional capacity,” and signs you may be losing it include:

>>> Getting off the couch is starting to become more of an anguishing chore

>>> The stiffness after working out seems worse than even just a few years ago

>>> Simply going up the stairs sometimes feels like a workout in itself

>>> You’re starting to slow down or you “feel it” more while doing things you love – playing with kids, gardening, walking, jogging, pickleball, or whatever gives you LIFE

>>> Your daily “energy battery” just seems to die out sooner than it used to

There may only be small signs of these at first, but make no mistake...

Properly supporting your healthy muscle mass and strength is a VITAL step against this.

In fact, get this:

  • According to research, after age 30 adults lose 3 to 8% of their muscle mass per decade.
  • After age 60, this rate can jump to 15% loss of muscle mass per decade.
  • Perhaps even more important than muscle mass is your muscle strength – and, alarmingly, muscle strength loss occurs at a rate 50% faster than muscle mass loss!
  • In fact, in those 50 years old, strength can decline between 1.5 and 5% each year, and that rate of strength loss can increase as you age.

Muscle Support

Indeed, taking action to maintain and build healthy muscle function may be the golden key to living well while living long.

Now, the good news is that it’s never too late to build, preserve, and protect your muscles.


It’s now very easy to do so, because there are four key ingredients that work together to provide the ultimate support…

And the brand-new Ageless Muscle® uniquely provides you with all four clinically-backed ingredients in one delicious and simple-to-prepare muscle-support supplement!

Why Muscle Mass Loss Accelerates with Age

To understand why the right muscle-support supplement can make a world of difference for you – and why the unique new Ageless Muscle is that right supplement – it pays to know why muscle loss accelerates as you age…

…And why you are anything but “helpless” against losing your muscle and strength – not to mention losing the high quality of life your muscles provide!

Now, you’re likely already aware that the top reason people lose muscle is lack of exercise. And it’s particularly important to routinely work at building muscle strength – such as by lifting weights – to preserve and build muscle.

Unfortunately, injuries and illness are common and can lead to high levels of inactivity – and even more pronounced muscle loss.

Furthermore, other common factors today – such as excessive alcohol use, poor sleep, and poor gut health (namely, an unhealthy balance of good gut bacteria) – can also contribute to accelerated muscle loss.

After exercise, though, “enemy #2” for muscle loss is not consuming enough of the building block of muscle – protein – as you get older.

That’s because your need for protein increases as you age, yet many people in their middle years and beyond have less of an appetite for it.

PLUS, it can become more difficult to digest protein, and the body may not be as efficient and effective at using the amino acids in protein for your muscles. (As you’ll see below, this is where HMB comes into play – it's like a “shortcut” to getting optimal protein because it promotes protein synthesis!)

The Nutrients You Put into Your Body Make a BIG Difference

The nutrients you put into your body play a tremendous role in building versus losing muscle strength and mass.

For example, there are “signaling pathways” that act as triggers in your body to build muscles, and these signals can basically weaken over time.

The body’s most potent trigger for this muscle protein synthesis (i.e., muscle building) is known as mTOR…

…And the amino acid metabolite called HMB is considered the most important regulator of muscle protein building due to its potent ability to activate this mTOR!

Furthermore, HMB addresses things from “both angles” as it also helps increase protein breakdown so it can be utilized by the body.

Next up, your body needs ample energy for healthy muscle function.

Energy is fuel, and this fuel can deplete with age – though, again, you can take action against this.

For example, while many people think of creatine as “the bodybuilder’s nutrient,” it is actually a naturally-occurring compound that’s both consumed in the diet and made in the body.

And the body uses this creatine to fuel one of the key energy systems for your muscles known as the phosphagen system.

Yet another essential factor in healthy muscle function is properly hydrated cells, and this, too, can decline with age.

Yes, drinking enough water is important, but it’s also a matter of properly enabling your body to draw that water into your cells – including the muscle cells.

Betaine is a powerful nutrient known for maintaining this healthy “intracellular osmotic pressure” – i.e., drawing water into the cells in your muscles and helping them stay properly hydrated.

Finally, low vitamin D is a big problem today for nearly everyone – and this is especially true for those who are middle-aged and beyond.

That’s because sunlight is our primary source of vitamin D, and many people who are 40+ are quite “sunlight deficient.” Furthermore, factors such as poor diet, certain medications, and thinning skin common among older adults can make the bad vitamin D situation even worse.

Now, vitamin D serves many vital health functions, but when it comes to your muscles, it’s important to know that vitamin D helps “unlock” the benefits of HMB in your body.

Without your body taking in adequate levels of vitamin D, in fact, HMB won’t work as well, if at all!

Furthermore, there are also vitamin D receptors in your muscle tissue that influence a variety of genes in your body – such as those that influence muscle-building and those involved in muscle loss.

In other words, low vitamin D can be very bad news, indeed, for healthy muscle function. But now back to the great news…

How to Protect Healthy Muscle Function As You Age

Again, you are by no means “fated” to lose muscle mass, strength, and function and to lose your ability to move freely and do the things you love in the process.

The key is to take action – and as you now understand, one truly vital action is to consume the right nutrients!

The Benefits of HMB – The Muscle Superhero

Over 50 human studies, 40 review studies, and 4 meta-analyses have clinically established the effectiveness of HMB.

As you’ve seen above, HMB is an amino acid that is considered the body’s most important regulator of muscle building, so it’s key to muscle size and strength.

Furthermore, HMB also helps halt muscle breakdown.

Beyond that, HMB improves body composition, reduces muscle damage and soreness, accelerates recovery from exercise, and improves functional reserve and muscle work capacity.

That’s why it’s considered the “superhero” for your muscles!

The big problem?

It’s very challenging to get HMB from foods alone. In fact, you’d need to consume about 600 grams of protein each day – that's 30 scoops of whey protein or 5 pounds of chicken!

Furthermore, the body’s ability to convert HMB from food only declines with age.

This is why a supplement providing the right type of HMB is so important as you get older.

The Benefits of Creatine – Ideal for Older Adults (surprise!)

Don’t make the mistake of shying away from creatine due to its association with bodybuilders and weightlifters!

Again, the body uses this naturally-occurring compound, creatine, to fuel the phosphagen system – one of the key energy systems for your muscles.

On its own, creatine promotes increased muscle size and strength, and because it works synergistically with HMB, it also “amplifies” HMB’s ability to promote increased muscle size and strength.

Furthermore, creatine improves body composition, improves muscle performance and capacity, and helps draw water into muscle tissue, which is also important for muscle growth.

However, the challenge with creatine is that its primary sources are protein-rich foods that older adults tend to eat less of, such as meat and fish (you’d have to eat nearly two pounds of red meat daily to get 2,500 mg of creatine). Plus, research shows that older adults have lower levels of the enzyme that makes creatine.

Here, again, supplementing with the right type and levels of creatine is so important!

Benefits of Betaine – Star “Supporting Cast”

Betaine is another powerful nutrient that is perhaps most well-known for drawing water into cells and helping them stay properly hydrated.

Again, this hydration is an often-forgotten key to healthy muscles.

Betaine also helps support muscle mass and strength and body composition. In fact, while people typically only get about 100 to 400 mg per day of betaine, studies show that 1,250 mg twice a day may be best to optimize both the muscle performance and body-composition benefits.

Finally, betaine also helps muscle performance and overall athletic performance because of its role in “methylation” – in layman’s terms, it positively impacts certain chemical reactions in the body that lead to beneficial nutrients for the muscles.

Benefits of Vitamin D for Muscles – Little-Known and VITAL

When it comes to vitamin D’s benefits, many people tend to think of healthy immune systems, healthy bones, and good moods.

As you learned above, though, vitamin D helps “unlock” the full benefits of HMB.

In fact, one major study found that the combination of the premium form of HMB called “myHMB” along with vitamin D promoted muscle-protein synthesis in older adults even without exercising!

Plus, vitamin D is also essential for properly “triggering” the genes in your body, including those that influence muscle-building and those involved in muscle loss.

Vitamin D even improves your muscle-fiber composition – particularly your “fast-twitch” muscle fibers, which allow your muscles to respond with quick and powerful movements. (A disproportionate loss of these fast-twitch muscle fibers is heavily responsible for age-related muscle loss.)

Considering that most people today have low levels of vitamin D…

And considering that low levels of vitamin D are associated with reduced muscle mass and strength while studies show vitamin D supplementation improves muscle strength, mass, and function (especially in those with low vitamin levels)…

Supplementing with vitamin D along with the three ingredients covered above may be as important as it gets for your healthy muscle function!

Why Ageless Muscle Is the Right Muscle-Support Supplement for You

Living long is important, but…

You want to be able to move freely and do what you love in life – without becoming dependent on anything or anybody else – while you live long, right?

(And it doesn’t hurt to have a body that looks great in the mirror, agree?)

That’s why the right muscle-support supplement to help combat age-related losses in muscle mass and strength – and to promote endurance/stamina and exercise recovery while helping reduce muscle soreness – is one of the smartest “quality of life” steps you can take.

And for the first time, all four of the potent nutrients you learned about for healthy muscle function – including the premium form of the “superstar” muscle ingredient HMB – are available in one easy-to-take formula…


Now, it’s important to first know this:

Each of the four ingredients on their own provide important benefits for your muscles, as you’ve seen above.

However, with the brand-new Ageless Muscle, you’re getting all four in one easy-to-take formula!

(And as you’ve seen, beyond the convenience of getting all four of these clinically-backed ingredients in one formula, several of these ingredients improve the benefits of the other ingredients! For example, the vitamin D and premium HMB in Ageless Muscle work in tandem for greater overall benefits, as do the creatine and HMB.)

What’s more, there is good HMB and then there is great HMB…

And Ageless Muscle provides you with the recommended 1,500 mg per serving of the premium and patented “myHMB” – the HMB clinically shown to be both highly effective for strong muscles and safe, with no known side effects.

Ageless Muscle also provides you with 2,500 mg per serving of safe, top-quality creatine for muscle size and strength and overall performance.

Plus, Ageless Muscle provides you with the recommended 1,250 mg per serving of the muscle-hydrating betaine and 1,100 IU per serving of vitamin D3, the superior form of vitamin D, which in tandem with myHMB was shown to promote muscle-protein synthesis in older adults even without exercising!

Now, these are the optimal doses of the four powerful ingredients in their premium-quality forms, and you’ll want to take your Ageless Muscle twice daily for top results.

And, yes, this all adds up to what we believe is by far the best muscle-support supplement on the market today.

Furthermore, we literally guarantee you’ll agree it’s the best by providing you with a 60-day total satisfaction promise: If you don’t LOVE the results you will see and feel from your Ageless Muscle, just send it back to us anytime in the next two months – even if the bottles are empty – for a fast and friendly refund of the full purchase price.

Just 30 Seconds to Make and Tastes AMAZING

Ageless Muscle comes in a refreshing Fruit Punch and a versatile Unflavored.

It’s also free of artificial sweeteners and is non-GMO and gluten-free.

You’ll want to take it twice daily for best results, and you’ll also love how easy it is to prepare…

Just mix a scoop of your Ageless Muscle into water, stir, and enjoy!

And, yes, the versatile flavors also makes it ideal to add to smoothies, protein shakes, yogurts, and other recipes.

The bottom line?

Ageless Muscle is convenient and delicious…

And because this one-of-a-kind formula provides you the synergistic mix of all four powerful ingredients to help combat age-related muscle loss and strength loss…

And because healthy muscle function means the freedom to keep doing what you love and enjoy your quality of life…

Ageless Muscle may well be the most important supplement you can take.

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Muscle the right choice?

Ageless Muscle is a revolutionary formula providing you all four clinically- backed ingredients to help combat age-related muscle loss and strength loss that can otherwise significantly impact your quality of life. These clinically backed ingredients include myHMB, creatine, betaine, and vitamin D.

Working together, they can help increase, preserve, and support healthy muscle function... promote muscular endurance... improve athletic performance (including strength, endurance, and power)… promote muscle hydration... help reduce soreness and promote post-exercise recovery... and help you get and stay lean and fit as you age and look your amazing best.

Ageless Muscle is easy to take twice daily, has a fruit punch or unflavored taste you’ll love, contains no artificial sweeteners, and is non-GMO and gluten-free... and we literally guarantee you’ll be DELIGHTED with the results you’ll both see and feel!

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Muscle?

Add 1 scoop to 8 ounces of water, mix thoroughly, and enjoy, with or without food. For the best results, consume twice daily.

Q: How many servings are in a container of Ageless Muscle?

There are 30 servings in each container of Ageless Muscle.

Q: Does Ageless Muscle contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No, Ageless Muscle does not contain any added caffeine or stimulants.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with Ageless Muscle®?

Ageless Muscle does not contain any ingredients derived from the eight major allergens. However, the product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, milk, soy, sesame, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, and wheat. Always review the label for the most accurate information.

Q: What if Ageless Muscle® doesn’t work for me?

 With BioTRUST, you’re always protected by our 60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. While Ageless Muscle was created to work, if, for any reason at all, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us. You can get a fast and friendly refund, even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after your order.

What Happens to Muscle Mass & Strength as You Age?

Healthy muscle function means movement.

And your ability to move freely as you age – without health issues and suffering, without depending on others – is the very definition of “quality of life.”

That’s because having healthy muscles is about far more than looking fit and lean.

Every joint and organ in your body, for example, depends on you having strong muscles so they can do their job properly and not fail you.

Even your healthy metabolism – your body’s ability to properly convert food into energy for you – requires healthy muscles.

That’s why one of the “worst offenders” when it comes to greatly reducing quality of life as you get older may well be the loss of muscle mass and strength.

This ability to move is often referred to as your “functional capacity,” and signs you may be losing it include:

>>> Getting off the couch is starting to become more of an anguishing chore

>>> The stiffness after working out seems worse than even just a few years ago

>>> Simply going up the stairs sometimes feels like a workout in itself

>>> You’re starting to slow down or you “feel it” more while doing things you love – playing with kids, gardening, walking, jogging, pickleball, or whatever gives you LIFE

>>> Your daily “energy battery” just seems to die out sooner than it used to

There may only be small signs of these at first, but make no mistake...

Properly supporting your healthy muscle mass and strength is a VITAL step against this.

In fact, get this:

  • According to research, after age 30 adults lose 3 to 8% of their muscle mass per decade.
  • After age 60, this rate can jump to 15% loss of muscle mass per decade.
  • Perhaps even more important than muscle mass is your muscle strength – and, alarmingly, muscle strength loss occurs at a rate 50% faster than muscle mass loss!
  • In fact, in those 50 years old, strength can decline between 1.5 and 5% each year, and that rate of strength loss can increase as you age.

Muscle Support

Indeed, taking action to maintain and build healthy muscle function may be the golden key to living well while living long.

Now, the good news is that it’s never too late to build, preserve, and protect your muscles.


It’s now very easy to do so, because there are four key ingredients that work together to provide the ultimate support…

And the brand-new Ageless Muscle® uniquely provides you with all four clinically-backed ingredients in one delicious and simple-to-prepare muscle-support supplement!

Why Muscle Mass Loss Accelerates with Age

To understand why the right muscle-support supplement can make a world of difference for you – and why the unique new Ageless Muscle is that right supplement – it pays to know why muscle loss accelerates as you age…

…And why you are anything but “helpless” against losing your muscle and strength – not to mention losing the high quality of life your muscles provide!

Now, you’re likely already aware that the top reason people lose muscle is lack of exercise. And it’s particularly important to routinely work at building muscle strength – such as by lifting weights – to preserve and build muscle.

Unfortunately, injuries and illness are common and can lead to high levels of inactivity – and even more pronounced muscle loss.

Furthermore, other common factors today – such as excessive alcohol use, poor sleep, and poor gut health (namely, an unhealthy balance of good gut bacteria) – can also contribute to accelerated muscle loss.

After exercise, though, “enemy #2” for muscle loss is not consuming enough of the building block of muscle – protein – as you get older.

That’s because your need for protein increases as you age, yet many people in their middle years and beyond have less of an appetite for it.

PLUS, it can become more difficult to digest protein, and the body may not be as efficient and effective at using the amino acids in protein for your muscles. (As you’ll see below, this is where HMB comes into play – it's like a “shortcut” to getting optimal protein because it promotes protein synthesis!)

The Nutrients You Put into Your Body Make a BIG Difference

The nutrients you put into your body play a tremendous role in building versus losing muscle strength and mass.

For example, there are “signaling pathways” that act as triggers in your body to build muscles, and these signals can basically weaken over time.

The body’s most potent trigger for this muscle protein synthesis (i.e., muscle building) is known as mTOR…

…And the amino acid metabolite called HMB is considered the most important regulator of muscle protein building due to its potent ability to activate this mTOR!

Furthermore, HMB addresses things from “both angles” as it also helps increase protein breakdown so it can be utilized by the body.

Next up, your body needs ample energy for healthy muscle function.

Energy is fuel, and this fuel can deplete with age – though, again, you can take action against this.

For example, while many people think of creatine as “the bodybuilder’s nutrient,” it is actually a naturally-occurring compound that’s both consumed in the diet and made in the body.

And the body uses this creatine to fuel one of the key energy systems for your muscles known as the phosphagen system.

Yet another essential factor in healthy muscle function is properly hydrated cells, and this, too, can decline with age.

Yes, drinking enough water is important, but it’s also a matter of properly enabling your body to draw that water into your cells – including the muscle cells.

Betaine is a powerful nutrient known for maintaining this healthy “intracellular osmotic pressure” – i.e., drawing water into the cells in your muscles and helping them stay properly hydrated.

Finally, low vitamin D is a big problem today for nearly everyone – and this is especially true for those who are middle-aged and beyond.

That’s because sunlight is our primary source of vitamin D, and many people who are 40+ are quite “sunlight deficient.” Furthermore, factors such as poor diet, certain medications, and thinning skin common among older adults can make the bad vitamin D situation even worse.

Now, vitamin D serves many vital health functions, but when it comes to your muscles, it’s important to know that vitamin D helps “unlock” the benefits of HMB in your body.

Without your body taking in adequate levels of vitamin D, in fact, HMB won’t work as well, if at all!

Furthermore, there are also vitamin D receptors in your muscle tissue that influence a variety of genes in your body – such as those that influence muscle-building and those involved in muscle loss.

In other words, low vitamin D can be very bad news, indeed, for healthy muscle function. But now back to the great news…

How to Protect Healthy Muscle Function As You Age

Again, you are by no means “fated” to lose muscle mass, strength, and function and to lose your ability to move freely and do the things you love in the process.

The key is to take action – and as you now understand, one truly vital action is to consume the right nutrients!

The Benefits of HMB – The Muscle Superhero

Over 50 human studies, 40 review studies, and 4 meta-analyses have clinically established the effectiveness of HMB.

As you’ve seen above, HMB is an amino acid that is considered the body’s most important regulator of muscle building, so it’s key to muscle size and strength.

Furthermore, HMB also helps halt muscle breakdown.

Beyond that, HMB improves body composition, reduces muscle damage and soreness, accelerates recovery from exercise, and improves functional reserve and muscle work capacity.

That’s why it’s considered the “superhero” for your muscles!

The big problem?

It’s very challenging to get HMB from foods alone. In fact, you’d need to consume about 600 grams of protein each day – that's 30 scoops of whey protein or 5 pounds of chicken!

Furthermore, the body’s ability to convert HMB from food only declines with age.

This is why a supplement providing the right type of HMB is so important as you get older.

The Benefits of Creatine – Ideal for Older Adults (surprise!)

Don’t make the mistake of shying away from creatine due to its association with bodybuilders and weightlifters!

Again, the body uses this naturally-occurring compound, creatine, to fuel the phosphagen system – one of the key energy systems for your muscles.

On its own, creatine promotes increased muscle size and strength, and because it works synergistically with HMB, it also “amplifies” HMB’s ability to promote increased muscle size and strength.

Furthermore, creatine improves body composition, improves muscle performance and capacity, and helps draw water into muscle tissue, which is also important for muscle growth.

However, the challenge with creatine is that its primary sources are protein-rich foods that older adults tend to eat less of, such as meat and fish (you’d have to eat nearly two pounds of red meat daily to get 2,500 mg of creatine). Plus, research shows that older adults have lower levels of the enzyme that makes creatine.

Here, again, supplementing with the right type and levels of creatine is so important!

Benefits of Betaine – Star “Supporting Cast”

Betaine is another powerful nutrient that is perhaps most well-known for drawing water into cells and helping them stay properly hydrated.

Again, this hydration is an often-forgotten key to healthy muscles.

Betaine also helps support muscle mass and strength and body composition. In fact, while people typically only get about 100 to 400 mg per day of betaine, studies show that 1,250 mg twice a day may be best to optimize both the muscle performance and body-composition benefits.

Finally, betaine also helps muscle performance and overall athletic performance because of its role in “methylation” – in layman’s terms, it positively impacts certain chemical reactions in the body that lead to beneficial nutrients for the muscles.

Benefits of Vitamin D for Muscles – Little-Known and VITAL

When it comes to vitamin D’s benefits, many people tend to think of healthy immune systems, healthy bones, and good moods.

As you learned above, though, vitamin D helps “unlock” the full benefits of HMB.

In fact, one major study found that the combination of the premium form of HMB called “myHMB” along with vitamin D promoted muscle-protein synthesis in older adults even without exercising!

Plus, vitamin D is also essential for properly “triggering” the genes in your body, including those that influence muscle-building and those involved in muscle loss.

Vitamin D even improves your muscle-fiber composition – particularly your “fast-twitch” muscle fibers, which allow your muscles to respond with quick and powerful movements. (A disproportionate loss of these fast-twitch muscle fibers is heavily responsible for age-related muscle loss.)

Considering that most people today have low levels of vitamin D…

And considering that low levels of vitamin D are associated with reduced muscle mass and strength while studies show vitamin D supplementation improves muscle strength, mass, and function (especially in those with low vitamin levels)…

Supplementing with vitamin D along with the three ingredients covered above may be as important as it gets for your healthy muscle function!

Why Ageless Muscle Is the Right Muscle-Support Supplement for You

Living long is important, but…

You want to be able to move freely and do what you love in life – without becoming dependent on anything or anybody else – while you live long, right?

(And it doesn’t hurt to have a body that looks great in the mirror, agree?)

That’s why the right muscle-support supplement to help combat age-related losses in muscle mass and strength – and to promote endurance/stamina and exercise recovery while helping reduce muscle soreness – is one of the smartest “quality of life” steps you can take.

And for the first time, all four of the potent nutrients you learned about for healthy muscle function – including the premium form of the “superstar” muscle ingredient HMB – are available in one easy-to-take formula…


Now, it’s important to first know this:

Each of the four ingredients on their own provide important benefits for your muscles, as you’ve seen above.

However, with the brand-new Ageless Muscle, you’re getting all four in one easy-to-take formula!

(And as you’ve seen, beyond the convenience of getting all four of these clinically-backed ingredients in one formula, several of these ingredients improve the benefits of the other ingredients! For example, the vitamin D and premium HMB in Ageless Muscle work in tandem for greater overall benefits, as do the creatine and HMB.)

What’s more, there is good HMB and then there is great HMB…

And Ageless Muscle provides you with the recommended 1,500 mg per serving of the premium and patented “myHMB” – the HMB clinically shown to be both highly effective for strong muscles and safe, with no known side effects.

Ageless Muscle also provides you with 2,500 mg per serving of safe, top-quality creatine for muscle size and strength and overall performance.

Plus, Ageless Muscle provides you with the recommended 1,250 mg per serving of the muscle-hydrating betaine and 1,100 IU per serving of vitamin D3, the superior form of vitamin D, which in tandem with myHMB was shown to promote muscle-protein synthesis in older adults even without exercising!

Now, these are the optimal doses of the four powerful ingredients in their premium-quality forms, and you’ll want to take your Ageless Muscle twice daily for top results.

And, yes, this all adds up to what we believe is by far the best muscle-support supplement on the market today.

Furthermore, we literally guarantee you’ll agree it’s the best by providing you with a 60-day total satisfaction promise: If you don’t LOVE the results you will see and feel from your Ageless Muscle, just send it back to us anytime in the next two months – even if the bottles are empty – for a fast and friendly refund of the full purchase price.

Just 30 Seconds to Make and Tastes AMAZING

Ageless Muscle comes in a refreshing Fruit Punch and a versatile Unflavored.

It’s also free of artificial sweeteners and is non-GMO and gluten-free.

You’ll want to take it twice daily for best results, and you’ll also love how easy it is to prepare…

Just mix a scoop of your Ageless Muscle into water, stir, and enjoy!

And, yes, the versatile flavors also makes it ideal to add to smoothies, protein shakes, yogurts, and other recipes.

The bottom line?

Ageless Muscle is convenient and delicious…

And because this one-of-a-kind formula provides you the synergistic mix of all four powerful ingredients to help combat age-related muscle loss and strength loss…

And because healthy muscle function means the freedom to keep doing what you love and enjoy your quality of life…

Ageless Muscle may well be the most important supplement you can take.

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Muscle the right choice?

Ageless Muscle is a revolutionary formula providing you all four clinically- backed ingredients to help combat age-related muscle loss and strength loss that can otherwise significantly impact your quality of life. These clinically backed ingredients include myHMB, creatine, betaine, and vitamin D.

Working together, they can help increase, preserve, and support healthy muscle function... promote muscular endurance... improve athletic performance (including strength, endurance, and power)… promote muscle hydration... help reduce soreness and promote post-exercise recovery... and help you get and stay lean and fit as you age and look your amazing best.

Ageless Muscle is easy to take twice daily, has a fruit punch or unflavored taste you’ll love, contains no artificial sweeteners, and is non-GMO and gluten-free... and we literally guarantee you’ll be DELIGHTED with the results you’ll both see and feel!

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Muscle?

Add 1 scoop to 8 ounces of water, mix thoroughly, and enjoy, with or without food. For the best results, consume twice daily.

Q: How many servings are in a container of Ageless Muscle?

There are 30 servings in each container of Ageless Muscle.

Q: Does Ageless Muscle contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No, Ageless Muscle does not contain any added caffeine or stimulants.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with Ageless Muscle®?

Ageless Muscle does not contain any ingredients derived from the eight major allergens. However, the product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, milk, soy, sesame, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, and wheat. Always review the label for the most accurate information.

Q: What if Ageless Muscle® doesn’t work for me?

 With BioTRUST, you’re always protected by our 60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. While Ageless Muscle was created to work, if, for any reason at all, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us. You can get a fast and friendly refund, even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after your order.

Serving Size 1 Scoop (6g). Servings Per Container 30. Amount Per Serving. % Daily Value. Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 25 mcg 125%. Calcium (as Calcium ß-Hydroxy-ß-Methylbutyrate Monohydrate) (myHMB) 195 mg 15%. Calcium ß-Hydroxy ß-Methylbutyrate Monohydrate (myHMB@) 1500 mg Daily Value (DV) not established. Creatine Monohydrate 2500 mg Daily Value (DV) not established. Betaine Anhydrous 1250 mg Daily Value (DV) not established. OTHER INGREDIENTS: Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Beet Juice Powder (color), Sea Salt, Steviol Glycosides. This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, milk, soy, sesame, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat.