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Metaboboost - Fat Burning Supplement

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MetaboBoost™ Advanced Metabolism Booster & Fat Burner

Tell me if this sounds familiar: “With each passing year, the pounds pack on. Diet and exercise just don’t seem to cut it anymore.”

It’s not your imagination. As you age, it becomes increasingly easier to gain weight and harder to shed unwanted pounds especially around the belly, waist, and hips. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it!

Introducing MetaboBoost, a new groundbreaking capsule designed to help you lose weight and burn fat in troublesome areas-- even as you age!

  • Burn excess fat, especially stubborn belly, hip and arm fat
  • See up to 7x weight loss vs. diet alone by enhancing metabolic rate all day long, even when you’re at rest.
  • Helps reduce daily caloric intake by up to 347 calories by promoting appetite management and curbing cravings.
  • Reduce body fat without compromising muscle mass, fostering healthy body composition.
  • Fight age-related metabolic lag with lasting results when combined with healthy diet and exercise.

…tackling excess weight and body fat from multiple fronts, MetaboBoost doesn’t just help you boost metabolism to lose weight but may help you keep it off!

    MetaboBoost™ Advanced Metabolism Booster & Fat Burner

    Tell me if this sounds familiar: “With each passing year, the pounds pack on. Diet and exercise just don’t seem to cut it anymore.”

    It’s not your imagination. As you age, it becomes increasingly easier to gain weight and harder to shed unwanted pounds especially around the belly, waist, and hips. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it!

    Introducing MetaboBoost, a new groundbreaking capsule designed to help you lose weight and burn fat in troublesome areas-- even as you age!

    • Burn excess fat, especially stubborn belly, hip and arm fat
    • See up to 7x weight loss vs. diet alone by enhancing metabolic rate all day long, even when you’re at rest.
    • Helps reduce daily caloric intake by up to 347 calories by promoting appetite management and curbing cravings.
    • Reduce body fat without compromising muscle mass, fostering healthy body composition.
    • Fight age-related metabolic lag with lasting results when combined with healthy diet and exercise.

    …tackling excess weight and body fat from multiple fronts, MetaboBoost doesn’t just help you boost metabolism to lose weight but may help you keep it off!

      60-Day Money Back Guarantee

      60-Day Money Back Guarantee

      No Hormones, Gluten or Soy

      Hormone, Gluten & Soy Free

      Promotes Metabolic Wellness

      Non GMO

      It’s Not You—It’s Your Slowing Metabolism 

      A sluggish metabolism is often the scapegoat when we no longer look and feel like we used to.  

      Feeling sluggish? Slow metabolism.  

      Struggling to lose weight (or just not gain it)? Yep, slow metabolism.  

      Gaining weight over the holidays, a vacation, or a certain season?  

      Two words: Slow. Metabolism.  

      And as we age, we often find that the workouts and diet that used to keep us feeling fit and looking lean no longer yield the same results.  

      Clothing can start to feel more constricting as a sluggish metabolism leads to the all-too-familiar middle-age spread.  

      Worse, as excess weight accumulates—especially around the middle—it can impact overall well-being, increasing the risk of age-related health concerns.  

      The Aging Impact on Metabolism and Fat. 

      We blame our aging metabolism for being slow and leading to unwanted weight gain. But what exactly is happening to metabolism and even fat distribution as we age?  

      #1 Slowing resting metabolic rate  

      Metabolism is the process your body uses to expend and burn calories. It runs 24/7, even when you’re kicking back on a Sunday afternoon or sound asleep in the middle of the night.  

      Day and night, your body is hard at work to convert the nutrients from food into the energy you need to breathe, pump blood throughout the body, repair cells, digest food, maintain body temperature, and live life.  

      Metabolism includes all of the natural chemical processes in the body. And the faster your metabolism (or, more accurately, your basal metabolic rate, or BMR), the more calories you burn, even at rest. 

      While physical activity accounts for 20-30% of your energy expenditure, your BMR accounts for the rest – as much as 70% of your energy expenditure. With age, your BMR declines, resulting in 100-160 fewer calories being burned per day with each passing decade. 

      #2 Muscle loss 

      You may have heard that muscle burns more calories than fat. But did you know muscles can burn up to 3x more calories than fat? As we age, our muscle mass naturally begins to decline. After 30, we can lose up to 8% of muscle mass each decade. And once we pass 60, this number can jump to 15%.  

      As muscle tissue is more metabolically active, losing muscle contributes to a slower metabolism, which explains why it feels harder to lose weight with every passing birthday. (Nope, it’s not your imagination…) 

      # 3 Declining activity and diet changes 

      The more active you are, the more calories you burn. This doesn’t just mean how much time you spend exercising. However, with age, many of us move less. The less we move, the slower our metabolism.  

      And just as exercise is key to fueling our metabolism, so is diet. It takes more calories to burn protein (up to 3 to 6x more!) than it does to burn fat or refined carbs (known as dietary thermogenesis). Yet often, as people get older, they consume less protein-rich foods—again slowing metabolism as you age. 

      #4 Hormonal changes cause fat to shift... to the wrong places.  

      A natural shift in fat distribution occurs after 40 in large part due to inevitable fluctuations in hormones. As we get older, hormonal changes, such as decreased levels of testosterone and estrogen (for men and women), can shift fat distribution toward stubborn fat storage, often around the belly, waist, and hips.  

      That’s why even ACTIVE men and women can see fat build-up around their abdomen, hips, and waist after a certain age. 

      # 5 Fat cells behave differently as you age.  

      Did you know there are different types of fat? And each act differently inside the body. White fat is stored fat. It’s the fat that clings to your body in all the wrong places. Beige fat, on the other hand, is metabolically active. Unlike white fat that stores energy, beige fat burns calories.  

      The more beige fat we have, the faster our metabolism runs. Unfortunately, like everything else, as we age, our body increasingly struggles to transform white fat into beige fat... 

      The above explains why it’s easier to gain weight with age. However, the reality is we can’t stop aging. You can’t reverse hormonal changes that shift fat distribution. And while you can increase activity levels and change your dietary habits (by eating more protein and fiber, for example), it often isn’t enough.  

      New BioTRUST MetaboBoost™  

      Introducing MetaboBoost—the breakthrough daily capsule designed to reignite your metabolism and burn belly fat. When combined with regular exercise and moderate dietary changes, MetaboBoost is your ultimate ally.  

      Now there are countless supplements that claim to accelerate weight loss by helping you burn more calories. What makes MetaboBoost such a powerful weight loss ally? 

      MetaboBoost uses patented weight-loss technology to help you burn more calories and break down fat, plus it helps curb appetite and tame cravings.  

      Unlike other metabolism supplements, MetaboBoost helps you tackle weight loss from multiple fronts to finally achieve the results you want and deserve! 

      • Increase your metabolism by transforming calorie-storing white cells in fat-burning beige cells.
      • Promotes fat breakdown in troublesome areas including your midsection, hips, thighs, waist, and underarms.  
      • Helps you drop up to 5x more inches than dieting alone by promoting fat burning specifically in the belly and waist.  
      • Targets fat, not muscle, to help you tighten up and tone up without compromising attractive, calorie-burning muscle.  
      • Helps to curb cravings and control appetite, so you consume up to 347 fewer calories daily 

      What powers MetaboBoost? 

      Sinetrol to boost your metabolism and burn fat.  

      A safe and effective combination of natural polyphenols extracted from citrus fruits, including grapefruit and oranges, and the plant guarana, clinically-studied Sinetrol: 

      • Boosts energy expenditure to help maintain a healthy metabolic rate for sustained results as it helps combat metabolic slowdown.
      • Elevates the body’s fat-burning abilities as it helps break down fats to be used as fuel. It is particularly effective at helping break down stubborn fat stores, such as around the belly, hips, back, and underneath the arms. 
      • Improve body composition by helping reduce body fat mass without compromising muscle mass as it taps into stored fat reserves for energy. 

      Sinetrol is backed by over a decade of research and four clinical studies. According to these studies, Sinetrol helps transform fat cells (adipose tissue) from white to beige. This transformation changes how the cells behave, so they’re less likely to store fat and more likely to burn it for energy instead.  

      In the research studies, Sinetrol led to five times more inches lost from the waist than placebo and seven times greater weight loss than diet alone. It also led to a six-time greater weight loss with no dietary intervention. In 12 weeks, Sinetrol helped reduce weight by up to 8.25 pounds when combined with a modest diet. 

      In addition, Sinetrol ignites lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat into energy. This breakdown of fat also frees fatty acids to elevate overall energy expenditure, so you burn more calories even at rest.  

      Finally, Sinetrol helps reduce the overall volume of fatty tissue (aka adipose), specifically in troublesome areas like the belly, under the arms, around the waist, and on the hips.  

      By changing the morphology of fat cells (from white to beige), helping you maintain lean tissue, and boosting metabolic rate, Sinetrol doesn’t just ignite change: with continued use and when combined with a healthy nutrition and exercise plan, it helps support long-term benefits and sustainable weight management. 

      Chromax and Berberine to tackle appetite management  

      Chromax & Berberine tackle other aspects of weight loss—satiety and appetite management. Together, these two researched ingredients have been shown to synergistically help curb your appetite and promote feeling of fullness. Chromax is a tested, patented and highly biovabilable form of chromium  supported by over 35 clinical studies affirming its benefits or weight management, body composition, blood sugar metabolism, appetite for craving management, and more.

      According to research, Chromax may help to support the regulation of appetite hormones, so it helps control hunger to help you eat less. By increasing satiety, it aids in portion control and overall food intake. In addition, Chromax may lead to healthier blood sugar levels, more efficient carbohydrate metabolism, reduced caloric intake, and improved muscle maintenance during weight loss.

      Berberine is a compound found in plants that’s been shown to help stimulate GLP-1 or Glucagon-Like Peptide-1. This important hormone is released in the gut after you eat. GLP-1 helps regulate appetite by letting the brain know the body is satisfied, which can help you eat less.  

      Berberine amplifies the release and effectiveness of GLP-1 to support greater appetite control. This may, in turn, lead to less cravings for food, so it’s easier to control food and calorie.

      Together, these two nutrients help manage appetite from multiple angles to aid portion control.  

      • Sinetrol: Helps boost energy expenditure all day long, even while you’re at rest. It also helps burn excess fat, especially stubborn belly fat, while improving body composition for improved weight management.  
      • Chromax and Berberine: Synergistically support satiety and appetite management to help reduce daily caloric intake. Chromax is the patented form of chromium picolinate for superior absorption, plus berberine for GLP-1 stimulation.  

      Q: How much should I buy? 

      Each bottle of MetaboBoost provides 30 metabolism-boosting, weight-loss-accelerating servings. Because of today’s heavily discounted introductory prices, many customers choose to stock up and save by ordering 3 or 6 bottles. What’s more, many customers also order extra bottles to share with their family and friends – another good reason to consider multiple bottles today! 

      Q: What specifically makes MetaboBoost™ the right choice? 

      Simply put, there’s nothing else quite like this groundbreaking metabolism-boosting supplement purposely formulated to revive a sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as you age. By reigniting your metabolism, MetaboBoost helps you burn more calories while also helping with craving and appetite management – addressing the weight-loss equation from two key angles. That’s because it contains a trio of powerful ingredients, starting with the clinically studied Sinetrol, which works through patented weight-loss technology to ramp up the body’s ability to break down fat, increase fat burning, and boost metabolism, adding up to accelerated fat loss – especially stubborn belly fat. It also provides Chromax and Berberine, which help reduce caloric intake by promoting appetite management and helping curb cravings. And because MetaboBoost comes from BioTRUST, you can feel good knowing that you’re nourishing your body with a product that’s not only potent and effective, but also clean, pure and safe. MetaboBoost is non-GMO and gluten-free, and it’s third-party tested to ensure that it’s safe from contaminants, including heavy metals. That means you can be confident that you’re getting exactly what you expect – nothing more, nothing less.  

      Q: What is the best way to use MetaboBoost? 

      To tap into the metabolism-boosting, weight-management benefits of MetaboBoost, simply take two capsules daily with breakfast or lunch. For best results., combine with a healthy diet and regular exercise. 

      Q: How many servings are in a container of MetaboBoost? 

      There are 30 metabolism-boosting servings in each bottle of MetaboBoost. 

      Q: Does MetaboBoost contain caffeine or any other stimulants? 

      Yes, each serving provides 20 – 25mg of caffeine. As a point of reference, the average cup of home-brewed coffee contains around 100mg of caffeine while the typical cup of green tea provides around 45mg caffeine, which is one of the most well studied dietary supplements of all time. 

      Q: Are there any allergy concerns with MetaboBoost?  

      MetaboBoost does not contain any ingredient derived from any of the major allergens; it is manufactured in a facility that also processes eggs, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, soy, sesame, crustacean shellfish and fish. MetaboBoost is Gluten-Free. 

      Q: What if MetaboBoost doesn’t work for me? 

      With BioTRUST, you’re always protected by our 60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. While MetaboBoost was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us. You can get a fast and friendly refund, even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after your order.  

      Q: What if I’m already taking BellyTrim XP? Which product is right for me? 

      Great question! First off, if you’re already using BellyTrim XP, you can absolutely use MetaboBoost alongside it for even more robust weight management support. While they help promote a similar outcome (i.e., fat loss), they work through distinct, yet complementary mechanisms. In other words, taking the two products together may help you get to your goal more efficiently. 

      Having said that, if you are trying to decide between the two, it might help to know that BellyTrim XP is geared more toward promoting changes in body composition. Often, that means losing body fat while maintaining – or even gaining – calorie-burning lean muscle. And sometimes, even though the changes in body composition are head-turning, the scale is not always the best way to track them. 

      Meanwhile, MetaboBoost is an advanced metabolism booster and fat burner that was purposely formulated to accelerate weight loss and help you lose fat – especially stubborn belly fat – by promoting increased calorie expenditure, fat burning, and appetite management. So, if you’re looking for a more traditional approach to help support your weight-loss efforts, MetaboBoost may be a better choice. 

      It’s Not You—It’s Your Slowing Metabolism 

      A sluggish metabolism is often the scapegoat when we no longer look and feel like we used to.  

      Feeling sluggish? Slow metabolism.  

      Struggling to lose weight (or just not gain it)? Yep, slow metabolism.  

      Gaining weight over the holidays, a vacation, or a certain season?  

      Two words: Slow. Metabolism.  

      And as we age, we often find that the workouts and diet that used to keep us feeling fit and looking lean no longer yield the same results.  

      Clothing can start to feel more constricting as a sluggish metabolism leads to the all-too-familiar middle-age spread.  

      Worse, as excess weight accumulates—especially around the middle—it can impact overall well-being, increasing the risk of age-related health concerns.  

      The Aging Impact on Metabolism and Fat. 

      We blame our aging metabolism for being slow and leading to unwanted weight gain. But what exactly is happening to metabolism and even fat distribution as we age?  

      #1 Slowing resting metabolic rate  

      Metabolism is the process your body uses to expend and burn calories. It runs 24/7, even when you’re kicking back on a Sunday afternoon or sound asleep in the middle of the night.  

      Day and night, your body is hard at work to convert the nutrients from food into the energy you need to breathe, pump blood throughout the body, repair cells, digest food, maintain body temperature, and live life.  

      Metabolism includes all of the natural chemical processes in the body. And the faster your metabolism (or, more accurately, your basal metabolic rate, or BMR), the more calories you burn, even at rest. 

      While physical activity accounts for 20-30% of your energy expenditure, your BMR accounts for the rest – as much as 70% of your energy expenditure. With age, your BMR declines, resulting in 100-160 fewer calories being burned per day with each passing decade. 

      #2 Muscle loss 

      You may have heard that muscle burns more calories than fat. But did you know muscles can burn up to 3x more calories than fat? As we age, our muscle mass naturally begins to decline. After 30, we can lose up to 8% of muscle mass each decade. And once we pass 60, this number can jump to 15%.  

      As muscle tissue is more metabolically active, losing muscle contributes to a slower metabolism, which explains why it feels harder to lose weight with every passing birthday. (Nope, it’s not your imagination…) 

      # 3 Declining activity and diet changes 

      The more active you are, the more calories you burn. This doesn’t just mean how much time you spend exercising. However, with age, many of us move less. The less we move, the slower our metabolism.  

      And just as exercise is key to fueling our metabolism, so is diet. It takes more calories to burn protein (up to 3 to 6x more!) than it does to burn fat or refined carbs (known as dietary thermogenesis). Yet often, as people get older, they consume less protein-rich foods—again slowing metabolism as you age. 

      #4 Hormonal changes cause fat to shift... to the wrong places.  

      A natural shift in fat distribution occurs after 40 in large part due to inevitable fluctuations in hormones. As we get older, hormonal changes, such as decreased levels of testosterone and estrogen (for men and women), can shift fat distribution toward stubborn fat storage, often around the belly, waist, and hips.  

      That’s why even ACTIVE men and women can see fat build-up around their abdomen, hips, and waist after a certain age. 

      # 5 Fat cells behave differently as you age.  

      Did you know there are different types of fat? And each act differently inside the body. White fat is stored fat. It’s the fat that clings to your body in all the wrong places. Beige fat, on the other hand, is metabolically active. Unlike white fat that stores energy, beige fat burns calories.  

      The more beige fat we have, the faster our metabolism runs. Unfortunately, like everything else, as we age, our body increasingly struggles to transform white fat into beige fat... 

      The above explains why it’s easier to gain weight with age. However, the reality is we can’t stop aging. You can’t reverse hormonal changes that shift fat distribution. And while you can increase activity levels and change your dietary habits (by eating more protein and fiber, for example), it often isn’t enough.  

      New BioTRUST MetaboBoost™  

      Introducing MetaboBoost—the breakthrough daily capsule designed to reignite your metabolism and burn belly fat. When combined with regular exercise and moderate dietary changes, MetaboBoost is your ultimate ally.  

      Now there are countless supplements that claim to accelerate weight loss by helping you burn more calories. What makes MetaboBoost such a powerful weight loss ally? 

      MetaboBoost uses patented weight-loss technology to help you burn more calories and break down fat, plus it helps curb appetite and tame cravings.  

      Unlike other metabolism supplements, MetaboBoost helps you tackle weight loss from multiple fronts to finally achieve the results you want and deserve! 

      • Increase your metabolism by transforming calorie-storing white cells in fat-burning beige cells.
      • Promotes fat breakdown in troublesome areas including your midsection, hips, thighs, waist, and underarms.  
      • Helps you drop up to 5x more inches than dieting alone by promoting fat burning specifically in the belly and waist.  
      • Targets fat, not muscle, to help you tighten up and tone up without compromising attractive, calorie-burning muscle.  
      • Helps to curb cravings and control appetite, so you consume up to 347 fewer calories daily 

      What powers MetaboBoost? 

      Sinetrol to boost your metabolism and burn fat.  

      A safe and effective combination of natural polyphenols extracted from citrus fruits, including grapefruit and oranges, and the plant guarana, clinically-studied Sinetrol: 

      • Boosts energy expenditure to help maintain a healthy metabolic rate for sustained results as it helps combat metabolic slowdown.
      • Elevates the body’s fat-burning abilities as it helps break down fats to be used as fuel. It is particularly effective at helping break down stubborn fat stores, such as around the belly, hips, back, and underneath the arms. 
      • Improve body composition by helping reduce body fat mass without compromising muscle mass as it taps into stored fat reserves for energy. 

      Sinetrol is backed by over a decade of research and four clinical studies. According to these studies, Sinetrol helps transform fat cells (adipose tissue) from white to beige. This transformation changes how the cells behave, so they’re less likely to store fat and more likely to burn it for energy instead.  

      In the research studies, Sinetrol led to five times more inches lost from the waist than placebo and seven times greater weight loss than diet alone. It also led to a six-time greater weight loss with no dietary intervention. In 12 weeks, Sinetrol helped reduce weight by up to 8.25 pounds when combined with a modest diet. 

      In addition, Sinetrol ignites lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat into energy. This breakdown of fat also frees fatty acids to elevate overall energy expenditure, so you burn more calories even at rest.  

      Finally, Sinetrol helps reduce the overall volume of fatty tissue (aka adipose), specifically in troublesome areas like the belly, under the arms, around the waist, and on the hips.  

      By changing the morphology of fat cells (from white to beige), helping you maintain lean tissue, and boosting metabolic rate, Sinetrol doesn’t just ignite change: with continued use and when combined with a healthy nutrition and exercise plan, it helps support long-term benefits and sustainable weight management. 

      Chromax and Berberine to tackle appetite management  

      Chromax & Berberine tackle other aspects of weight loss—satiety and appetite management. Together, these two researched ingredients have been shown to synergistically help curb your appetite and promote feeling of fullness. Chromax is a tested, patented and highly biovabilable form of chromium  supported by over 35 clinical studies affirming its benefits or weight management, body composition, blood sugar metabolism, appetite for craving management, and more.

      According to research, Chromax may help to support the regulation of appetite hormones, so it helps control hunger to help you eat less. By increasing satiety, it aids in portion control and overall food intake. In addition, Chromax may lead to healthier blood sugar levels, more efficient carbohydrate metabolism, reduced caloric intake, and improved muscle maintenance during weight loss.

      Berberine is a compound found in plants that’s been shown to help stimulate GLP-1 or Glucagon-Like Peptide-1. This important hormone is released in the gut after you eat. GLP-1 helps regulate appetite by letting the brain know the body is satisfied, which can help you eat less.  

      Berberine amplifies the release and effectiveness of GLP-1 to support greater appetite control. This may, in turn, lead to less cravings for food, so it’s easier to control food and calorie.

      Together, these two nutrients help manage appetite from multiple angles to aid portion control.  

      • Sinetrol: Helps boost energy expenditure all day long, even while you’re at rest. It also helps burn excess fat, especially stubborn belly fat, while improving body composition for improved weight management.  
      • Chromax and Berberine: Synergistically support satiety and appetite management to help reduce daily caloric intake. Chromax is the patented form of chromium picolinate for superior absorption, plus berberine for GLP-1 stimulation.  

      Q: How much should I buy? 

      Each bottle of MetaboBoost provides 30 metabolism-boosting, weight-loss-accelerating servings. Because of today’s heavily discounted introductory prices, many customers choose to stock up and save by ordering 3 or 6 bottles. What’s more, many customers also order extra bottles to share with their family and friends – another good reason to consider multiple bottles today! 

      Q: What specifically makes MetaboBoost™ the right choice? 

      Simply put, there’s nothing else quite like this groundbreaking metabolism-boosting supplement purposely formulated to revive a sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as you age. By reigniting your metabolism, MetaboBoost helps you burn more calories while also helping with craving and appetite management – addressing the weight-loss equation from two key angles. That’s because it contains a trio of powerful ingredients, starting with the clinically studied Sinetrol, which works through patented weight-loss technology to ramp up the body’s ability to break down fat, increase fat burning, and boost metabolism, adding up to accelerated fat loss – especially stubborn belly fat. It also provides Chromax and Berberine, which help reduce caloric intake by promoting appetite management and helping curb cravings. And because MetaboBoost comes from BioTRUST, you can feel good knowing that you’re nourishing your body with a product that’s not only potent and effective, but also clean, pure and safe. MetaboBoost is non-GMO and gluten-free, and it’s third-party tested to ensure that it’s safe from contaminants, including heavy metals. That means you can be confident that you’re getting exactly what you expect – nothing more, nothing less.  

      Q: What is the best way to use MetaboBoost? 

      To tap into the metabolism-boosting, weight-management benefits of MetaboBoost, simply take two capsules daily with breakfast or lunch. For best results., combine with a healthy diet and regular exercise. 

      Q: How many servings are in a container of MetaboBoost? 

      There are 30 metabolism-boosting servings in each bottle of MetaboBoost. 

      Q: Does MetaboBoost contain caffeine or any other stimulants? 

      Yes, each serving provides 20 – 25mg of caffeine. As a point of reference, the average cup of home-brewed coffee contains around 100mg of caffeine while the typical cup of green tea provides around 45mg caffeine, which is one of the most well studied dietary supplements of all time. 

      Q: Are there any allergy concerns with MetaboBoost?  

      MetaboBoost does not contain any ingredient derived from any of the major allergens; it is manufactured in a facility that also processes eggs, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, soy, sesame, crustacean shellfish and fish. MetaboBoost is Gluten-Free. 

      Q: What if MetaboBoost doesn’t work for me? 

      With BioTRUST, you’re always protected by our 60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. While MetaboBoost was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us. You can get a fast and friendly refund, even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after your order.  

      Q: What if I’m already taking BellyTrim XP? Which product is right for me? 

      Great question! First off, if you’re already using BellyTrim XP, you can absolutely use MetaboBoost alongside it for even more robust weight management support. While they help promote a similar outcome (i.e., fat loss), they work through distinct, yet complementary mechanisms. In other words, taking the two products together may help you get to your goal more efficiently. 

      Having said that, if you are trying to decide between the two, it might help to know that BellyTrim XP is geared more toward promoting changes in body composition. Often, that means losing body fat while maintaining – or even gaining – calorie-burning lean muscle. And sometimes, even though the changes in body composition are head-turning, the scale is not always the best way to track them. 

      Meanwhile, MetaboBoost is an advanced metabolism booster and fat burner that was purposely formulated to accelerate weight loss and help you lose fat – especially stubborn belly fat – by promoting increased calorie expenditure, fat burning, and appetite management. So, if you’re looking for a more traditional approach to help support your weight-loss efforts, MetaboBoost may be a better choice. 

      Serving Size 2 Capsules. Servings Per Container 30. Amount Per Serving. % Daily Value. Chromium (as Chromium picolinate) (Chromax®) 1000 mcg 2857%. Citrus and Guarana Blend (Sinetrol® Xpur C) (Citrus (Citrus spp.) (fruit) and Guarana (seed) extracts) 630 mg Daily Value (DV) not established. Berberine (as Berberine hydrochloride) 200 mg Daily Value (DV) not established. OTHER INGREDIENTS: Vegetarian Capsule (Hypromellose), Rice Hull Concentrate, Gum Fiber Blend, Rice Extract Blend, L-Leucine. This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes eggs, wheat, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, soy, sesame, crustacean shellfish and fish. Gluten-free.