BioTRUST Nutrition®

Ageless Biome® — Advanced Dual-Action Postbiotic Supplement

Ageless Biome® — Advanced Dual-Action Postbiotic Supplement Ageless Biome Supplement Facts Ageless Biome Postbiotic Supplement
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The “Missing Link” of Your Gut Health Routine

Ageless Biome Provides You the Clinically Backed ButyraGen™:

  • Research CONFIRMS ButyraGen™ raises levels of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate
  • Provides tributyrin that directly generates butyrate in the gut – no prebiotics or probiotics needed
  • Also provides Sunfiber® which is a prebiotic fiber that can lead to the production of even more postbiotics, such as butyrate.
  • Uses a proprietary process to eliminate bad smells common to other postbiotic supplements
  • Sourced from sustainable ingredients, unlike many other postbiotics out there
  • Two-year shelf life versus many others that can last as short as 6 months
  • A Non-GMO verified “clean” option – some other postbiotic/butyrate supplements are combined with fillers

Ageless Biome Provides You the Clinically Backed MicrobiomeX®:

  • Research confirms that MicrobiomeX® increases production of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate
  • MicrobiomeX® is a first-in-class “flavobiotic”, a very unique category of prebiotics that provides citrus flavonoids also shown to promote microbiome richness and diversity
  • MicrobiomeX® also promotes a healthy gut lining and proper gut function by providing antioxidant support

The “Missing Link” of Your Gut Health Routine

Ageless Biome Provides You the Clinically Backed ButyraGen™:

  • Research CONFIRMS ButyraGen™ raises levels of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate
  • Provides tributyrin that directly generates butyrate in the gut – no prebiotics or probiotics needed
  • Also provides Sunfiber® which is a prebiotic fiber that can lead to the production of even more postbiotics, such as butyrate.
  • Uses a proprietary process to eliminate bad smells common to other postbiotic supplements
  • Sourced from sustainable ingredients, unlike many other postbiotics out there
  • Two-year shelf life versus many others that can last as short as 6 months
  • A Non-GMO verified “clean” option – some other postbiotic/butyrate supplements are combined with fillers

Ageless Biome Provides You the Clinically Backed MicrobiomeX®:

  • Research confirms that MicrobiomeX® increases production of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate
  • MicrobiomeX® is a first-in-class “flavobiotic”, a very unique category of prebiotics that provides citrus flavonoids also shown to promote microbiome richness and diversity
  • MicrobiomeX® also promotes a healthy gut lining and proper gut function by providing antioxidant support
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

60-Day Money Back Guarantee 

No Hormones, Gluten or Soy

 Gluten Free & Soy Free

Humanely Sourced

Dairy Free


A postbiotic supplement is the “missing third piece” of the gut health puzzle, as you’ll see below, and postbiotics are mission-critical to support:

  • Your Digestive Health
  • Your Brain Health
  • Your Heart Health
  • Your Skin Health
  • Your Immune Health
  • And More!

And here’s why we’re confident you’ll soon agree that Ageless Biome is truly mission-critical for your health and the right choice for you

Why is Gut Health So Important?

Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” noted 2000 years ago that “All health issues begin in the gut.” As you may have noticed, modern science is now strongly confirming that he was right.

Furthermore, and on the flipside, modern science is confirming that if you truly want overall great health and longevity, your Priority #1 must be striving to achieve optimal gut health.

That’s because, beyond your gut being the place where digestion occurs (which is, of course, so important in its own right), your gut health is directly tied to…


That’s right, a clear and sharp brain now and very late into life is dependent, at least in part, on the health of your gut.

You see, in what researchers call the “gut-brain axis,” there’s a constant two-way communication between your gut and brain. The gut even has its own nervous system containing around 100 million neurons.

And if your gut health is “out of whack,” well, the communication and the “directions” it sends your brain can be out of whack, too… and you can easily imagine the issues that can result in your brain. Along these lines, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that poor gut health may be directly linked to cognitive aging.

However, that’s JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, because there’s also a gut-heart axis… a gut-skin axis… a gut-muscle axis… a gut-liver axis and more.

In other words, your gut health is also directly tied to:

  • YOUR SKIN HEALTH (including looking young and healthy late into life… or not)
  • YOUR MUSCLE HEALTH (including maintaining muscle mass as you age… or not)
  • The health of your LIVER, LUNGS, PANCREAS, and more

And as if that wasn’t enough reason to make your gut health your Priority #1, it is also ground zero for…


You’ve likely heard that 70 to 80% of your immune system is based in your gut. And, indeed, this refers to what’s called the gut-associated lymphatic tissue, which comprises about 70 to 80% of your immune system and is found in your gut.

Furthermore, your gut lining is like a security fence designed to keep “foreign invaders” out. If that physical barrier is compromised – as is the case with intestinal permeability – it can lead to a host of problems throughout the body, including joint problems… brain fog… food sensitivities… fatigue… skin issues… respiratory issues… and more.

So, the bottom line on why gut health is so important?

Because Hippocrates was right… and your gut health really does equal your overall health!

What Is The Difference Between Probiotics and Postbiotics?

When it comes to achieving optimal gut health, there are basically three key pieces to the puzzle:

Probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics.

You’ve likely heard of probiotics, which are mainly friendly gut bacteria that support a healthy balance among the microbiota.

You may have heard of prebiotics, which in the simplest sense is “food” for the probiotics. (More specifically, prebiotics are indigestible substrates such as fibers and phytochemicals that serve as an energy source for gut bacteria.)

However, many people are not so familiar with postbiotics – which are the final and often-missing piece of the gut health puzzle!

Now, in the simplest sense, postbiotics are metabolic by-products created when probiotics feed on prebiotics.

However, don’t let the word “by-product” mislead you!

Because postbiotics are one of the – if not THE – primary means by which probiotics help our bodies stay healthy.

In other words, postbiotics are the “endgame” of prebiotics and probiotics, and quite frequently, they literally represent the “missing piece” of the gut health puzzle for many people.

Now, there’s a variety of postbiotics, and the most well-known and well-researched are short-chain fatty acids (SFCAs) and – more specifically – a short chain fatty acid called “butyrate.”

And research shows this postbiotic called butyrate is VERY IMPORTANT for fueling the cells that line the gut called “colonocytes”. In simple terms, butyrate nourishes and helps seal the gut lining.

Research also shows butyrate is important for supporting:

  • Proper immune system function
  • A healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract
  • Balance and diversity in the gut microbiota
  • The body’s natural anti-aging pathways
  • Metabolic wellness (e.g., insulin sensitivity)
  • Brain health and cognitive function
  • Proper appetite signaling and regulation
  • Helping maintain muscle mass as we age

“Do I Need a Postbiotic Supplement?”

Considering the supreme importance of your gut health to your brain, heart, skin, and other aspects of your overall health… and considering how postbiotics are so often the “missing third piece” of gut health… the short and likely answer is one very enthusiastic YES.

However, first try this super-fast quiz to understand if and why that means a big YES for you:

  • Do you eat a lot of fiber from a range of different plants every day?
  • Do you eat a range of different-colored fruits and veggies on a routine basis?
  • Do you routinely eat fermented foods, such as kimchi and traditionally-prepared sauerkraut?
  • Do you get ample exercise routinely and have you been doing so for quite some time?
  • Do you feel like you still eat too many processed foods?
  • Do you refrain from smoking?
  • Do you refrain from drinking alcohol?

In brief, the more NO answers you had to the question above, the more important it is for you to consider a top-quality postbiotic supplement that provides you butyrate.

Why’s that?

Because optimal levels of postbiotics – which, remember, are the “end game” of probiotics – are dependent on having a healthy balance of those probiotics in your body.

And a healthy balance of probiotics in your body is dependent on, as you can guess, eating copious amounts of dietary fiber… a variety of colorful fruits and veggies… a routine intake of fermented foods… and getting regular exercise, which can increase butyrate production.

Furthermore, and you can guess this, too, a healthy balance of “good” gut bacteria (probiotics) is also dependent on avoiding the bad habits that can “pollute” it – such as a diet high in processed foods, smoking, and alcohol consumption, as well as exposure to environmental toxicants in the air and personal care products, and even certain medications.

The bottom line is, unfortunately, that most people are missing the mark in at least one of these areas in this day and age.

That leads to a deficiency in postbiotics – including the all-important butyrate – and that’s why it’s likely a very enthusiastic YES that you should consider a top-quality postbiotic supplement.

“Okay, So What Is The Right Postbiotic Supplement For Me?”

AGELESS BIOME represents the “missing piece” of the gut health puzzle. We set out to create the best postbiotic supplement on the market, and here’s why, when you experience it for yourself, we are certain you’ll agree we succeeded “with flying colors”!

#1) Ageless Biome provides you dual-action postbiotic support with ButyraGen™. This powerful and patented postbiotic directly raises levels of butyrate in the body.

#2) Ageless Biome also provides you the prebiotic MicrobiomeX®, which increases levels of butyrate-producing probiotics in the gut.

THE BUTYRAGEN™ DIFFERENCE IN AGELESS BIOME (not just a normal butyrate supplement!)

ButyraGen™ is a new and advanced butyrate generator that directly raises levels of butyrate by providing an important compound called “tributyrin.”

Each molecule of tributyrin releases three molecules of the SFCA butyrate in the gut, where it is rapidly absorbed.

Additionally, ButyraGen™ contains Sunfiber®, a source of prebiotic fibers, which act through traditional gut microbiota fermentation to provide additional beneficial SCFAs, such as butyrate.

postbiotic supplement

ButyraGen™ is unique because its tributyrin directly generates butyrate in the gut – no prebiotics or probiotics needed.

Even more, research has shown that ButyraGen™ increases levels of butyrate regardless of the state of the microbiota.

In other words, the gut microbiota of individuals can vary wildly, and this is why some people respond beneficially to prebiotics and probiotics, some don’t respond to them at all, and still others respond adversely.

Butyrate is generated from ButyraGen™ directly, no matter the state of the gut, meaning that nearly ALL PEOPLE CAN BENEFIT FROM IT!

Don’t be fooled by postbiotic supplements and butyrate supplements that merely claim to raise levels of butyrate.

The ButyraGen™ in Ageless Biome stands out for FACTUAL REASONS, such as:

  • It has two active ingredients, tributyrin and Sunfiber® (compared to just one in many other products)
  • Research has confirmed that ButyraGen™ raises levels of butyrate in humans; other ingredients lean on generic research to imply that their ingredients work
  • ButyraGen™ provides human-grade tributyrin; much of the other tributyrin on the market is just animal feed grade.
  • ButyraGen™ uses a proprietary vacuum distillation process to get rid of the smell; many others have an odor that ranges from disagreeable to downright YUCK.
  • ButyraGen™ is sourced from RSPO-certified (sustainable) palm oil; many others out there come from non-certified palm oil.
  • ButyraGen™ has a two-year shelf-life; some others have a shelf-life as short as 6 months.
  • ButyraGen™ is non-GMO project verified; some others do not have this certification.
  • ButyraGen™ is also a much “cleaner” option while others are combined with a significant amount of excipients/fillers


Ageless Biome also features MicrobiomeX®, a first-in-class “flavobiotic” that provides citrus flavonoids.

For starters, research has shown that these flavonoids act as prebiotics, positively modulating the composition of the gut microbiota and promoting its richness and diversity.

Along those lines, supplementation with MicrobiomeX® has been shown to increase butyrate production!

And that’s not all…

As the prebiotic flavonoids in MicrobiomeX® are metabolized by the microbiota, additional metabiotics are released in the gut – and these postbiotics directly support a healthy gut lining and proper gut barrier function by providing antioxidant support!

Two clinical studies have been carried out to date with a daily dosage of 500mg of MicrobiomeX® (the same amount in Ageless Biome). In a 12-week randomized controlled trial with 50 overweight participants, supplementation with 500mg of MicrobiomeX® resulted in:

  • Significant increases in butyrate production
  • Significant improvement in the gut microbiota (as determined by a significant increase in the amount of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut)
  • Significant reductions in fecal calprotectin, which is an important biomarker of gut inflammation

A separate randomized controlled trial in elderly subjects showed that 500mg of MicrobiomeX® daily resulted in significant increases in the secretion of antibodies (IgA) in the gut lumen, indicating better protection against colonization by “bad” microbes.

MicrobiomeX® has the unique quality of being effective two ways, directly through its active metabolites and indirectly through a shift in the gut microbiota composition.

  • The flavonoids composing MicrobiomeX® are released after MicrobiomeX® is metabolized and directly affect the gut barrier by providing antioxidant support
  • Improvement in gut barrier function is also realized by increasing SCFA/butyrate production, which is an energy source for the epithelial cells in the gut

All in all, MicrobiomeX® exerts its positive effects in the gut multiple ways by:

  • Facilitating a shift in the gut microbiota
  • Increasing production of SCFAs, such as the all-important butyrate
  • Enhancing gut barrier function and improving mucosal protection
  • Promoting a healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract

In the end, MicrobiomeX® promotes gut health by preferentially modulating the composition of the gut microbiota, increasing levels of butyrate, promoting healthy gut barrier function and supporting a healthy inflammatory response in the gut.

The bottom line is that, because Ageless Biome provides you two of the most advanced postbiotic support ingredients available, we believe it’s the best postbiotic supplement available…

And we’re so confident you’ll soon agree it’s the best postbiotic supplement that we back it with a no-risk 60-day total satisfaction or your money back guarantee.

Ageless Biome Postbiotic Supplement Facts

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Biome the right choice for you?

A postbiotic supplement is the “missing third piece” of the gut health puzzle, key to supporting your digestive health, brain health, heart health, skin health, immune health and more. And Ageless Biome stands heads and shoulders above others because it provides you the clinically backed ButryraGen™ and the clinically backed MicrobiomeX®. Research confirms that ButyraGen™ raises levels of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate. Plus, ButyraGen™ provides Sunfiber®, a prebiotic fiber that can lead to even greater production of postbiotics. Meanwhile, research also confirms that MicrobiomeX® increases production of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate, and it’s a first-in-class “flavobiotic,” a unique category of prebiotics shown to promote richness and diversity in the gut’s microbiome. Finally, unlike certain other probiotics out there, Ageless Biome is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and undergoes 3rd party testing. This ensures potency, purity, and safety!

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Biome?

Take two capsules, with or without food, in the morning.

Q: How many servings are in a bottle of Ageless Biome?

Each bottle of Ageless Biome contains 30 servings.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No. This product is caffeine- and stimulant-free.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Ageless Biome is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, fish, soy, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat. Always review the label for the most accurate information.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

While Ageless Biome was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bottles. You’re always protected by our naturally honest 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

A postbiotic supplement is the “missing third piece” of the gut health puzzle, as you’ll see below, and postbiotics are mission-critical to support:

  • Your Digestive Health
  • Your Brain Health
  • Your Heart Health
  • Your Skin Health
  • Your Immune Health
  • And More!

And here’s why we’re confident you’ll soon agree that Ageless Biome is truly mission-critical for your health and the right choice for you

Why is Gut Health So Important?

Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” noted 2000 years ago that “All health issues begin in the gut.” As you may have noticed, modern science is now strongly confirming that he was right.

Furthermore, and on the flipside, modern science is confirming that if you truly want overall great health and longevity, your Priority #1 must be striving to achieve optimal gut health.

That’s because, beyond your gut being the place where digestion occurs (which is, of course, so important in its own right), your gut health is directly tied to…


That’s right, a clear and sharp brain now and very late into life is dependent, at least in part, on the health of your gut.

You see, in what researchers call the “gut-brain axis,” there’s a constant two-way communication between your gut and brain. The gut even has its own nervous system containing around 100 million neurons.

And if your gut health is “out of whack,” well, the communication and the “directions” it sends your brain can be out of whack, too… and you can easily imagine the issues that can result in your brain. Along these lines, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that poor gut health may be directly linked to cognitive aging.

However, that’s JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, because there’s also a gut-heart axis… a gut-skin axis… a gut-muscle axis… a gut-liver axis and more.

In other words, your gut health is also directly tied to:

  • YOUR SKIN HEALTH (including looking young and healthy late into life… or not)
  • YOUR MUSCLE HEALTH (including maintaining muscle mass as you age… or not)
  • The health of your LIVER, LUNGS, PANCREAS, and more

And as if that wasn’t enough reason to make your gut health your Priority #1, it is also ground zero for…


You’ve likely heard that 70 to 80% of your immune system is based in your gut. And, indeed, this refers to what’s called the gut-associated lymphatic tissue, which comprises about 70 to 80% of your immune system and is found in your gut.

Furthermore, your gut lining is like a security fence designed to keep “foreign invaders” out. If that physical barrier is compromised – as is the case with intestinal permeability – it can lead to a host of problems throughout the body, including joint problems… brain fog… food sensitivities… fatigue… skin issues… respiratory issues… and more.

So, the bottom line on why gut health is so important?

Because Hippocrates was right… and your gut health really does equal your overall health!

What Is The Difference Between Probiotics and Postbiotics?

When it comes to achieving optimal gut health, there are basically three key pieces to the puzzle:

Probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics.

You’ve likely heard of probiotics, which are mainly friendly gut bacteria that support a healthy balance among the microbiota.

You may have heard of prebiotics, which in the simplest sense is “food” for the probiotics. (More specifically, prebiotics are indigestible substrates such as fibers and phytochemicals that serve as an energy source for gut bacteria.)

However, many people are not so familiar with postbiotics – which are the final and often-missing piece of the gut health puzzle!

Now, in the simplest sense, postbiotics are metabolic by-products created when probiotics feed on prebiotics.

However, don’t let the word “by-product” mislead you!

Because postbiotics are one of the – if not THE – primary means by which probiotics help our bodies stay healthy.

In other words, postbiotics are the “endgame” of prebiotics and probiotics, and quite frequently, they literally represent the “missing piece” of the gut health puzzle for many people.

Now, there’s a variety of postbiotics, and the most well-known and well-researched are short-chain fatty acids (SFCAs) and – more specifically – a short chain fatty acid called “butyrate.”

And research shows this postbiotic called butyrate is VERY IMPORTANT for fueling the cells that line the gut called “colonocytes”. In simple terms, butyrate nourishes and helps seal the gut lining.

Research also shows butyrate is important for supporting:

  • Proper immune system function
  • A healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract
  • Balance and diversity in the gut microbiota
  • The body’s natural anti-aging pathways
  • Metabolic wellness (e.g., insulin sensitivity)
  • Brain health and cognitive function
  • Proper appetite signaling and regulation
  • Helping maintain muscle mass as we age

“Do I Need a Postbiotic Supplement?”

Considering the supreme importance of your gut health to your brain, heart, skin, and other aspects of your overall health… and considering how postbiotics are so often the “missing third piece” of gut health… the short and likely answer is one very enthusiastic YES.

However, first try this super-fast quiz to understand if and why that means a big YES for you:

  • Do you eat a lot of fiber from a range of different plants every day?
  • Do you eat a range of different-colored fruits and veggies on a routine basis?
  • Do you routinely eat fermented foods, such as kimchi and traditionally-prepared sauerkraut?
  • Do you get ample exercise routinely and have you been doing so for quite some time?
  • Do you feel like you still eat too many processed foods?
  • Do you refrain from smoking?
  • Do you refrain from drinking alcohol?

In brief, the more NO answers you had to the question above, the more important it is for you to consider a top-quality postbiotic supplement that provides you butyrate.

Why’s that?

Because optimal levels of postbiotics – which, remember, are the “end game” of probiotics – are dependent on having a healthy balance of those probiotics in your body.

And a healthy balance of probiotics in your body is dependent on, as you can guess, eating copious amounts of dietary fiber… a variety of colorful fruits and veggies… a routine intake of fermented foods… and getting regular exercise, which can increase butyrate production.

Furthermore, and you can guess this, too, a healthy balance of “good” gut bacteria (probiotics) is also dependent on avoiding the bad habits that can “pollute” it – such as a diet high in processed foods, smoking, and alcohol consumption, as well as exposure to environmental toxicants in the air and personal care products, and even certain medications.

The bottom line is, unfortunately, that most people are missing the mark in at least one of these areas in this day and age.

That leads to a deficiency in postbiotics – including the all-important butyrate – and that’s why it’s likely a very enthusiastic YES that you should consider a top-quality postbiotic supplement.

“Okay, So What Is The Right Postbiotic Supplement For Me?”

AGELESS BIOME represents the “missing piece” of the gut health puzzle. We set out to create the best postbiotic supplement on the market, and here’s why, when you experience it for yourself, we are certain you’ll agree we succeeded “with flying colors”!

#1) Ageless Biome provides you dual-action postbiotic support with ButyraGen™. This powerful and patented postbiotic directly raises levels of butyrate in the body.

#2) Ageless Biome also provides you the prebiotic MicrobiomeX®, which increases levels of butyrate-producing probiotics in the gut.

THE BUTYRAGEN™ DIFFERENCE IN AGELESS BIOME (not just a normal butyrate supplement!)

ButyraGen™ is a new and advanced butyrate generator that directly raises levels of butyrate by providing an important compound called “tributyrin.”

Each molecule of tributyrin releases three molecules of the SFCA butyrate in the gut, where it is rapidly absorbed.

Additionally, ButyraGen™ contains Sunfiber®, a source of prebiotic fibers, which act through traditional gut microbiota fermentation to provide additional beneficial SCFAs, such as butyrate.

postbiotic supplement

ButyraGen™ is unique because its tributyrin directly generates butyrate in the gut – no prebiotics or probiotics needed.

Even more, research has shown that ButyraGen™ increases levels of butyrate regardless of the state of the microbiota.

In other words, the gut microbiota of individuals can vary wildly, and this is why some people respond beneficially to prebiotics and probiotics, some don’t respond to them at all, and still others respond adversely.

Butyrate is generated from ButyraGen™ directly, no matter the state of the gut, meaning that nearly ALL PEOPLE CAN BENEFIT FROM IT!

Don’t be fooled by postbiotic supplements and butyrate supplements that merely claim to raise levels of butyrate.

The ButyraGen™ in Ageless Biome stands out for FACTUAL REASONS, such as:

  • It has two active ingredients, tributyrin and Sunfiber® (compared to just one in many other products)
  • Research has confirmed that ButyraGen™ raises levels of butyrate in humans; other ingredients lean on generic research to imply that their ingredients work
  • ButyraGen™ provides human-grade tributyrin; much of the other tributyrin on the market is just animal feed grade.
  • ButyraGen™ uses a proprietary vacuum distillation process to get rid of the smell; many others have an odor that ranges from disagreeable to downright YUCK.
  • ButyraGen™ is sourced from RSPO-certified (sustainable) palm oil; many others out there come from non-certified palm oil.
  • ButyraGen™ has a two-year shelf-life; some others have a shelf-life as short as 6 months.
  • ButyraGen™ is non-GMO project verified; some others do not have this certification.
  • ButyraGen™ is also a much “cleaner” option while others are combined with a significant amount of excipients/fillers


Ageless Biome also features MicrobiomeX®, a first-in-class “flavobiotic” that provides citrus flavonoids.

For starters, research has shown that these flavonoids act as prebiotics, positively modulating the composition of the gut microbiota and promoting its richness and diversity.

Along those lines, supplementation with MicrobiomeX® has been shown to increase butyrate production!

And that’s not all…

As the prebiotic flavonoids in MicrobiomeX® are metabolized by the microbiota, additional metabiotics are released in the gut – and these postbiotics directly support a healthy gut lining and proper gut barrier function by providing antioxidant support!

Two clinical studies have been carried out to date with a daily dosage of 500mg of MicrobiomeX® (the same amount in Ageless Biome). In a 12-week randomized controlled trial with 50 overweight participants, supplementation with 500mg of MicrobiomeX® resulted in:

  • Significant increases in butyrate production
  • Significant improvement in the gut microbiota (as determined by a significant increase in the amount of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut)
  • Significant reductions in fecal calprotectin, which is an important biomarker of gut inflammation

A separate randomized controlled trial in elderly subjects showed that 500mg of MicrobiomeX® daily resulted in significant increases in the secretion of antibodies (IgA) in the gut lumen, indicating better protection against colonization by “bad” microbes.

MicrobiomeX® has the unique quality of being effective two ways, directly through its active metabolites and indirectly through a shift in the gut microbiota composition.

  • The flavonoids composing MicrobiomeX® are released after MicrobiomeX® is metabolized and directly affect the gut barrier by providing antioxidant support
  • Improvement in gut barrier function is also realized by increasing SCFA/butyrate production, which is an energy source for the epithelial cells in the gut

All in all, MicrobiomeX® exerts its positive effects in the gut multiple ways by:

  • Facilitating a shift in the gut microbiota
  • Increasing production of SCFAs, such as the all-important butyrate
  • Enhancing gut barrier function and improving mucosal protection
  • Promoting a healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract

In the end, MicrobiomeX® promotes gut health by preferentially modulating the composition of the gut microbiota, increasing levels of butyrate, promoting healthy gut barrier function and supporting a healthy inflammatory response in the gut.

The bottom line is that, because Ageless Biome provides you two of the most advanced postbiotic support ingredients available, we believe it’s the best postbiotic supplement available…

And we’re so confident you’ll soon agree it’s the best postbiotic supplement that we back it with a no-risk 60-day total satisfaction or your money back guarantee.

Ageless Biome Postbiotic Supplement Facts

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Biome the right choice for you?

A postbiotic supplement is the “missing third piece” of the gut health puzzle, key to supporting your digestive health, brain health, heart health, skin health, immune health and more. And Ageless Biome stands heads and shoulders above others because it provides you the clinically backed ButryraGen™ and the clinically backed MicrobiomeX®. Research confirms that ButyraGen™ raises levels of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate. Plus, ButyraGen™ provides Sunfiber®, a prebiotic fiber that can lead to even greater production of postbiotics. Meanwhile, research also confirms that MicrobiomeX® increases production of the powerful postbiotic, butyrate, and it’s a first-in-class “flavobiotic,” a unique category of prebiotics shown to promote richness and diversity in the gut’s microbiome. Finally, unlike certain other probiotics out there, Ageless Biome is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and undergoes 3rd party testing. This ensures potency, purity, and safety!

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Biome?

Take two capsules, with or without food, in the morning.

Q: How many servings are in a bottle of Ageless Biome?

Each bottle of Ageless Biome contains 30 servings.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No. This product is caffeine- and stimulant-free.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Ageless Biome is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, fish, soy, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat. Always review the label for the most accurate information.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

While Ageless Biome was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bottles. You’re always protected by our naturally honest 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Serving Size: 2 Capsules Servings Per Container 30 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value MicrobiomeX Citrus flavonoid extract (citrus sp.) (whole fruit) 500 mg daily value not established. ButyraGen Tributyrin complex (50% tributyrin) 200 mg daily value not established. OTHER INGREDIENTS:Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetarian capsule (hypromellose), acacia gum, guar fiber (sunfiber), magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide, rosemary extract. This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, fish, soy, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat. The MicrobiomeX trademark is property of bioactor b.v. Butyragen is a trademark of nutriscience innovations, llc. sunfiber is a registered trademark of taiyo international inc.