Ageless Multi-Collagen® + Turmeric — Golden Milk Flavor

Ageless Multi-Collagen® + Turmeric — Golden Milk Flavor Ageless Multi-Collagen plus Turmeric Supplement Facts Ageless Multi-Collagen® + Turmeric — Golden Milk Flavor
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Liquid Gold: 2 Key Nutrients, So Many Benefits

Each Serving of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric:

  • Powered by the 5 most-researched types of collagen (I, II, III, V and X) and an array of time-tested spices
  • 10 grams of Bioactive Collagen Peptides per serving PLUS 1300mg of Organic Spices, including Organic Turmeric, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Ginger and Organic Black Pepper
  • 140mg of L-Tryptophan (fermented), making AGELESS MULTI-COLLAGEN + Turmeric a “complete” source of protein
  • Delicious, comforting, slightly sweet Golden Milk flavor – perfect for homemade golden lattes
  • Mixes instantly without clumps (in hot or cool liquids)
  • Non-GMO, BSE- and TSE-free, hormone- and antibiotic-free
  • Gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free
  • Third-party tested for potency and rigorously screened for contaminants

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric provides nutritional support that promotes:

  • Healthy skin, including skin elasticity and hydration
  • Joint health, including healthy joint function and improvements in activity-related joint discomfort
  • Gut health
  • Overall vibrance and healthy aging
  • Healthy body composition, when two servings are consumed daily and combined with a resistance training program

Liquid Gold: 2 Key Nutrients, So Many Benefits

Each Serving of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric:

  • Powered by the 5 most-researched types of collagen (I, II, III, V and X) and an array of time-tested spices
  • 10 grams of Bioactive Collagen Peptides per serving PLUS 1300mg of Organic Spices, including Organic Turmeric, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Ginger and Organic Black Pepper
  • 140mg of L-Tryptophan (fermented), making AGELESS MULTI-COLLAGEN + Turmeric a “complete” source of protein
  • Delicious, comforting, slightly sweet Golden Milk flavor – perfect for homemade golden lattes
  • Mixes instantly without clumps (in hot or cool liquids)
  • Non-GMO, BSE- and TSE-free, hormone- and antibiotic-free
  • Gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free
  • Third-party tested for potency and rigorously screened for contaminants

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric provides nutritional support that promotes:

  • Healthy skin, including skin elasticity and hydration
  • Joint health, including healthy joint function and improvements in activity-related joint discomfort
  • Gut health
  • Overall vibrance and healthy aging
  • Healthy body composition, when two servings are consumed daily and combined with a resistance training program
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Complete, 5-Collagen Protein

Complete, 5-Collagen Protein

Clean Ingredients

1,300mg of Organic Spices

No Clumping

Never Clumps

Collagen and Turmeric: This is Not Your Typical Golden Milk

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is not your typical Golden Milk, an Ayurvedic tonic traditionally consumed for its vibrant health, energizing, anti-aging and healing properties. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric combines all 5 of the most-researched types of collagen, including bioactive collagen peptides (BCP), from 4 premium sources, along with time-tested spices, (including organic turmeric, organic ginger, organic cinnamon and organic black pepper), representing a unique and powerful merger between ancestral living and ancient wisdom.

Formulated to be combined with an active and healthy lifestyle, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric provides nutritional support that promotes:

  • Overall wellness
  • Beauty from within (i.e., healthy hair, skin and nails)
  • Joint health and comfort
  • Gut health
  • Healthy aging
  • And more!

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric comes in an exotic and delicious Golden Milk flavor. If you’ve never tried golden milk before, some say that it’s reminiscent of a chai tea latte – warm, comforting and slightly sweet with a spicy undertone. This great-tasting, easily dissolving, no-clump powder can be added to your favorite smoothies or mixed with hot water, milk or your favorite non-dairy beverage for a delicious golden latte.

When we say that Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is like “Liquid Gold”, we’re not only referring to its brilliant yellow color – thanks in large part to its inclusion of the renowned “golden spice” turmeric – but also that it provides nutritional support that promotes a treasure trove of full-body benefits!

What is Collagen and Turmeric Good For?

The latest research provides compelling and fortifying evidence of the effectiveness of collagen supplementation. For instance, in the last three years alone, three systematic reviews have been published – including more than 2,500 participants – showing that daily collagen supplementation may help:

  • Improve skin elasticity and hydration
  • Reduce visible signs of skin aging, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promote joint comfort and mobility
  • Reduce exercise-related muscle soreness
  • Promote recovery from exercise
  • Improve body composition when combined with regular resistance training

What’s more, these studies provide conclusive evidence that collagen supplementation is generally safe with no documented adverse events. Altogether, daily collagen supplementation has been shown to provide nutritional support that promotes:

  • Healthy hair, skin and nails
  • The strength and health of joints and bones
  • Muscle, tendon and ligament health and recovery
  • Healthy aging

And when it comes to healthy aging, there may not be a more appropriate partner for collagen than turmeric. The use of turmeric, for example, dates back nearly 5,000 years, and in the last three decades alone, thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published providing evidence of its robust safety and efficacy. Historically, this “golden spice” has been used for a wide span of purposes, including:

  • Strengthening the overall energy of the body
  • Promoting digestive health and comfort
  • Supporting overall physical and joint comfort
  • Revitalizing and anti-aging properties

In addition to its two superstar ingredients – collagen and turmeric – Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric also contains three more organic spices with well-documented health benefits. The “amazing and mighty” ginger, for example, is one of the most consumed dietary condiments in the world, and it has been used for thousands of years (similar to turmeric, dating back 5,000 years) for various reasons, not the least of which include to provide nutritional support that promotes digestive and joint comfort.

And then there’s cinnamon, which has been used both as a spice and traditional functional ingredient for centuries thanks to its unique flavor and “mystic powers”. Found in almost every household, cinnamon is not just a flavoring agent; as our ancestors recognized, it has numerous bioactive compounds that provide nutritional support that may promote overall health in a variety of ways, including digestive and metabolic health.

To top off the mighty Organic Spice Blend in Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric, we added a dash of black pepper. And why not? Black pepper has documented health properties in its own right, not the least of which is the potential to optimize the absorption of certain nutrients, herbs and spices, including turmeric.

How Collagen and Turmeric Work Together?

When you’re young, your body makes all the collagen it needs, and that’s a big reason why you look, feel and move the way you do when you’re younger. So, what happens as you age?

Well, as we get older, collagen breakdown increases and collagen synthesis decreases. In simple terms, we produce less and less collagen as we age. For example, studies show that skin levels of collagen decrease by about 11 - 13% with each passing decade after the age of 20.

Over time, this explains, at least in part, why skin looks older (thinner, drier, saggier and more wrinkled, for example) as we age… why joints become stiffer… and why we feel, well, older overall as we age.

Now, just because we tend to see an age-related decline in collagen production doesn’t mean it’s inevitable, and this is where a collagen supplement like Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric comes into play.

Before moving on, let’s dispel the myth that collagen protein isn’t absorbed. (By the way, we already dispelled the myth that it doesn’t work; please see the section above highlighting the most recent research.)

While most ingested protein is typically digested and absorbed as amino acids, the fate of collagen protein is not just another “amino acid soup”. This is especially true when you consume bioactive collagen peptides (BCP) – such as those from grass-fed cattle and fish.

You see, when ingested orally, BCP reaches the small intestine where it is absorbed in the blood stream, both in the form of free amino acids (the “building blocks” discussed above) and small collagen peptides, which are then distributed in the human body (with evidence suggesting that they are “magnetically attracted” to where you need them most).

Here’s where it gets interesting: Once in the body, BCP has a dual-action mechanism: 1) free amino acids provide building blocks for the formation of new collagen-containing tissues; and 2) collagen peptides act as signaling molecules (hence the name “bioactive” collagen peptides) that bind to receptors present in our fibroblasts (the cells responsible for making new collagen), stimulating the production of new collagen.

What’s more, the collagen peptides also signal the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid. Along with collagen, elastin is the other “youth protein” found in skin, and as you might have guessed, it’s important for maintaining suppleness and elasticity of skin. Meanwhile, hyaluronic acid is a lubricating fluid that’s important for skin health and hydration as well as joint health and lubrication.

To recap, BCP has a unique dual-action mechanism of action whereby it triggers the body to make new collagen and provides the building blocks for said production.

That alone is pretty nifty and helps explain why BCP from bovine and fish and hydrolyzed collagen from other sources can be so beneficial, but there’s even more to the story, as other forms and sources seem to work differently – and complementarily.

Consider, for example, chicken-sourced collagen, particularly that which is derived from chicken sternum and eggshell membrane. These are both sources of collagen (type II in the case of the former and types I, V and X in the latter) and collagen-specific amino acids (e.g., proline, hydroxyproline, glycine), not to mention glycosaminoglycans, not the least of which is hyaluronic acid. And it is believed that these components are biologically active and relevant to their benefits.

In addition to providing the factors needed to build collagen-containing tissues and its supporting components, it’s also apparent that these sources and forms of collagen may also help via a process known as “oral tolerance”. Without getting too thick into the weeds, oral tolerance ultimately engages the immune system in the repair of its own collagen-containing tissues, such as joint cartilage.

What’s especially unique about this mechanism of action is that it both promotes the repair of collagen-containing tissues and helps put the brakes on the breakdown process. In other words, it’s helping tip the balance from both ends of the equation.

So, yes, consuming different types of collagen is important (i.e., because you have different types in your body, and there are these concepts that “like heals like”, the “doctrine of signatures” and so on), but perhaps just as important, if not more important, are the forms and sources of collagen.

Ageless Multi-Collagen provides 10 grams of BCP from the following sources:

  • Pasture-raised cattle, which provides Types I and III
  • Fish, which provides Type I

Additionally, Ageless Multi-Collagen provides:

  • Type II collagen from chicken
  • Types I, V and X from eggshell membrane

What’s with the whole Roman numeral soup? Great question!

We humans carry 28 different types of collagen in our bodies, and of those, Types I, II and III are the most prevalent, with Type I collagen being the most prevalent, accounting for ~90% of the collagen in the human body. Notably, Type I is found in the skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. Type III is the second most abundant collagen, and it is typically found in the same places as Type I, albeit in much lesser amounts, especially the skin and gut lining.

Type II, meanwhile, is the primary type of collagen found in joint cartilage, as is often the case for Type X. Type V is often found in the same areas as Types I and III, as it helps them carry out their roles effectively.

Meanwhile, Turmeric exercises its anti-aging and overall health properties through different mechanisms of action. The reality is that Turmeric and its bioactive components regulate multiple cellular signaling pathways, but in general, Turmeric is highly regarded for its antioxidant properties, which also help contribute to supporting a healthy inflammatory response.

Simply put, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is “liquid gold”, in more ways than one!

Why Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric Supplement Is Unlike Anything Else on the Market

“Liquid Gold” may seem like a lofty claim, but we truly believe that there’s nothing else quite like Ageless Multi-Collagen. Here are some of the big differentiators:

FOUR Sources, FIVE Types. We truly believe that a collagen powder providing multiple sources of collagen, including the most heavily researched types of collagen, is ideal to provide the most robust full-body nutritional support.

THIRD-PARTY TESTED. Like all BioTRUST products, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric undergoes stringent, comprehensive third-party lab testing to verify potency (i.e., what’s on the label is in the package; you’re getting what you’re paying for) and purity. Along those lines, it is meticulously screened for an array of contaminants – such as heavy metals, micros (e.g., yeasts, molds, bacteria) and allergens – to ensure your safety.

EFFECTIVE DOSING. Would you believe that there’s still companies out there providing only a dusting of collagen? Listen, the research is clear that in order to promote the most robust array of full-body benefits, you need to be consuming 10 grams (or more) of collagen protein per day. And this is clearly not a case of less is more; in fact, less is simply less.

TOP-QUALITY SOURCING. In addition to third-party verification of potency, purity and safety, you can rest easy knowing that the collagen in Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric only comes from top-quality sources, such as BSE/TSE-free, pasture-raised and hormone- and antibiotic-free cattle. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free.

NO CLUMP. Ageless Multi-Collagen put its name on the map for many reasons, not the least of which were that it was truly tasteless and clump-free. While we went next-level with the taste of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric, it’s still the same clump-free collagen formula that’s made waves through the industry.

TASTES GREAT. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is one-of-a-kind in more ways than one, including its great taste. If you’ve tried other collagen supplements, you know that their taste can range from putrid to tolerable, at best. In line with the standard set by other Ageless Multi-Collagen products, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is in a class of its own when it comes to its savory, spicy and delightful taste. While you can add it smoothies, teas and recipes, we have a feeling you’re going to like this one ‘neat’ so that you can enjoy all the exotic, complex and bold taste it has to offer. One of our favorite preparations is to mix one scoop of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric with 8 ounces of hot coconut milk for a delectable Golden Latte – it makes for a perfect night cap!

What About Bone Broth? Bone broth is (once again) all the rage, and indeed, bone broth can be quite nutrient dense, providing certain minerals (such as calcium and magnesium), amino acids and proteins, such as collagen protein. However, while it’s touted as a source of collagen protein, research shows that the collagen protein content of bone broth can vary wildly, and importantly, bone broth is not as robust a source of the key amino acid (glycine, proline, hydroxyproline) as that which is typically used in research studies. What’s more, bone broth tastes like, well, you know…

COMPLETE PROTEIN. Unlike other animal-derived protein sources, collagen is an “incomplete” protein. Meaning, like many plant-based sources of protein, collagen does not contain all the essential amino acids. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric overcomes this limitation with the addition of L-tryptophan, which is missing from collagen by nature. That means that Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is a complete source of protein, and that means it contributes toward your daily protein target – and all the reasons you seek to consume a higher-protein diet.

Simply put, there’s literally NOTHING else out there exactly like Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric. There’s a few products out there that attempt to combine collagen and turmeric, but none of them contain FOUR sources and FIVE types of collagen. And while there’s a sprinkling of other collagen powders with turmeric, they all pale in comparison to the creamy, delicious and enjoyable taste of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric – believe us, we tried them all.

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric Nutrition Facts

Ageless Multi-Collagen plus Turmeric Supplement Facts

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric the right choice for you?

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is made with quality naturally sourced ingredients and features FIVE types of collagen from FOUR sources: grass-fed, pasture-raised beef, sustainable fish, egg, and chicken. It also provides you 1300mg per serving of our premium organic spice blend, which includes organic turmeric, organic ginger and organic cinnamon. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric dissolves easily and it delivers your body the building blocks it needs to support healthy skin, hair and nails, healthy joints and tendons, gut health and more. It is a COMPLETE protein, and it provides hydrolyzed collagen peptides for easy, rapid, and efficient digestion and absorption. Plus, IT TASTES AMAZING!

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric?

Add one (1) scoop to at least 8 ounces of any hot or cool liquid and mix thoroughly. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric can be used multiple times daily. It can be added to smoothies and other recipes, or it can be used on its own (i.e., mixed with hot water, milk or your favorite non-dairy beverage).

Q: How many servings are in a bag of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric?

Each bag of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric contains 20 servings.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No. This product is caffeine- and stimulant-free.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric contains ingredients derived from eggs, fish (white fish) and tree nuts (coconut). This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, milk, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat. Always review the label for the most accurate information.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

While Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bags. You’re always protected by our naturally honest 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Collagen and Turmeric: This is Not Your Typical Golden Milk

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is not your typical Golden Milk, an Ayurvedic tonic traditionally consumed for its vibrant health, energizing, anti-aging and healing properties. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric combines all 5 of the most-researched types of collagen, including bioactive collagen peptides (BCP), from 4 premium sources, along with time-tested spices, (including organic turmeric, organic ginger, organic cinnamon and organic black pepper), representing a unique and powerful merger between ancestral living and ancient wisdom.

Formulated to be combined with an active and healthy lifestyle, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric provides nutritional support that promotes:

  • Overall wellness
  • Beauty from within (i.e., healthy hair, skin and nails)
  • Joint health and comfort
  • Gut health
  • Healthy aging
  • And more!

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric comes in an exotic and delicious Golden Milk flavor. If you’ve never tried golden milk before, some say that it’s reminiscent of a chai tea latte – warm, comforting and slightly sweet with a spicy undertone. This great-tasting, easily dissolving, no-clump powder can be added to your favorite smoothies or mixed with hot water, milk or your favorite non-dairy beverage for a delicious golden latte.

When we say that Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is like “Liquid Gold”, we’re not only referring to its brilliant yellow color – thanks in large part to its inclusion of the renowned “golden spice” turmeric – but also that it provides nutritional support that promotes a treasure trove of full-body benefits!

What is Collagen and Turmeric Good For?

The latest research provides compelling and fortifying evidence of the effectiveness of collagen supplementation. For instance, in the last three years alone, three systematic reviews have been published – including more than 2,500 participants – showing that daily collagen supplementation may help:

  • Improve skin elasticity and hydration
  • Reduce visible signs of skin aging, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promote joint comfort and mobility
  • Reduce exercise-related muscle soreness
  • Promote recovery from exercise
  • Improve body composition when combined with regular resistance training

What’s more, these studies provide conclusive evidence that collagen supplementation is generally safe with no documented adverse events. Altogether, daily collagen supplementation has been shown to provide nutritional support that promotes:

  • Healthy hair, skin and nails
  • The strength and health of joints and bones
  • Muscle, tendon and ligament health and recovery
  • Healthy aging

And when it comes to healthy aging, there may not be a more appropriate partner for collagen than turmeric. The use of turmeric, for example, dates back nearly 5,000 years, and in the last three decades alone, thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published providing evidence of its robust safety and efficacy. Historically, this “golden spice” has been used for a wide span of purposes, including:

  • Strengthening the overall energy of the body
  • Promoting digestive health and comfort
  • Supporting overall physical and joint comfort
  • Revitalizing and anti-aging properties

In addition to its two superstar ingredients – collagen and turmeric – Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric also contains three more organic spices with well-documented health benefits. The “amazing and mighty” ginger, for example, is one of the most consumed dietary condiments in the world, and it has been used for thousands of years (similar to turmeric, dating back 5,000 years) for various reasons, not the least of which include to provide nutritional support that promotes digestive and joint comfort.

And then there’s cinnamon, which has been used both as a spice and traditional functional ingredient for centuries thanks to its unique flavor and “mystic powers”. Found in almost every household, cinnamon is not just a flavoring agent; as our ancestors recognized, it has numerous bioactive compounds that provide nutritional support that may promote overall health in a variety of ways, including digestive and metabolic health.

To top off the mighty Organic Spice Blend in Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric, we added a dash of black pepper. And why not? Black pepper has documented health properties in its own right, not the least of which is the potential to optimize the absorption of certain nutrients, herbs and spices, including turmeric.

How Collagen and Turmeric Work Together?

When you’re young, your body makes all the collagen it needs, and that’s a big reason why you look, feel and move the way you do when you’re younger. So, what happens as you age?

Well, as we get older, collagen breakdown increases and collagen synthesis decreases. In simple terms, we produce less and less collagen as we age. For example, studies show that skin levels of collagen decrease by about 11 - 13% with each passing decade after the age of 20.

Over time, this explains, at least in part, why skin looks older (thinner, drier, saggier and more wrinkled, for example) as we age… why joints become stiffer… and why we feel, well, older overall as we age.

Now, just because we tend to see an age-related decline in collagen production doesn’t mean it’s inevitable, and this is where a collagen supplement like Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric comes into play.

Before moving on, let’s dispel the myth that collagen protein isn’t absorbed. (By the way, we already dispelled the myth that it doesn’t work; please see the section above highlighting the most recent research.)

While most ingested protein is typically digested and absorbed as amino acids, the fate of collagen protein is not just another “amino acid soup”. This is especially true when you consume bioactive collagen peptides (BCP) – such as those from grass-fed cattle and fish.

You see, when ingested orally, BCP reaches the small intestine where it is absorbed in the blood stream, both in the form of free amino acids (the “building blocks” discussed above) and small collagen peptides, which are then distributed in the human body (with evidence suggesting that they are “magnetically attracted” to where you need them most).

Here’s where it gets interesting: Once in the body, BCP has a dual-action mechanism: 1) free amino acids provide building blocks for the formation of new collagen-containing tissues; and 2) collagen peptides act as signaling molecules (hence the name “bioactive” collagen peptides) that bind to receptors present in our fibroblasts (the cells responsible for making new collagen), stimulating the production of new collagen.

What’s more, the collagen peptides also signal the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid. Along with collagen, elastin is the other “youth protein” found in skin, and as you might have guessed, it’s important for maintaining suppleness and elasticity of skin. Meanwhile, hyaluronic acid is a lubricating fluid that’s important for skin health and hydration as well as joint health and lubrication.

To recap, BCP has a unique dual-action mechanism of action whereby it triggers the body to make new collagen and provides the building blocks for said production.

That alone is pretty nifty and helps explain why BCP from bovine and fish and hydrolyzed collagen from other sources can be so beneficial, but there’s even more to the story, as other forms and sources seem to work differently – and complementarily.

Consider, for example, chicken-sourced collagen, particularly that which is derived from chicken sternum and eggshell membrane. These are both sources of collagen (type II in the case of the former and types I, V and X in the latter) and collagen-specific amino acids (e.g., proline, hydroxyproline, glycine), not to mention glycosaminoglycans, not the least of which is hyaluronic acid. And it is believed that these components are biologically active and relevant to their benefits.

In addition to providing the factors needed to build collagen-containing tissues and its supporting components, it’s also apparent that these sources and forms of collagen may also help via a process known as “oral tolerance”. Without getting too thick into the weeds, oral tolerance ultimately engages the immune system in the repair of its own collagen-containing tissues, such as joint cartilage.

What’s especially unique about this mechanism of action is that it both promotes the repair of collagen-containing tissues and helps put the brakes on the breakdown process. In other words, it’s helping tip the balance from both ends of the equation.

So, yes, consuming different types of collagen is important (i.e., because you have different types in your body, and there are these concepts that “like heals like”, the “doctrine of signatures” and so on), but perhaps just as important, if not more important, are the forms and sources of collagen.

Ageless Multi-Collagen provides 10 grams of BCP from the following sources:

  • Pasture-raised cattle, which provides Types I and III
  • Fish, which provides Type I

Additionally, Ageless Multi-Collagen provides:

  • Type II collagen from chicken
  • Types I, V and X from eggshell membrane

What’s with the whole Roman numeral soup? Great question!

We humans carry 28 different types of collagen in our bodies, and of those, Types I, II and III are the most prevalent, with Type I collagen being the most prevalent, accounting for ~90% of the collagen in the human body. Notably, Type I is found in the skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. Type III is the second most abundant collagen, and it is typically found in the same places as Type I, albeit in much lesser amounts, especially the skin and gut lining.

Type II, meanwhile, is the primary type of collagen found in joint cartilage, as is often the case for Type X. Type V is often found in the same areas as Types I and III, as it helps them carry out their roles effectively.

Meanwhile, Turmeric exercises its anti-aging and overall health properties through different mechanisms of action. The reality is that Turmeric and its bioactive components regulate multiple cellular signaling pathways, but in general, Turmeric is highly regarded for its antioxidant properties, which also help contribute to supporting a healthy inflammatory response.

Simply put, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is “liquid gold”, in more ways than one!

Why Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric Supplement Is Unlike Anything Else on the Market

“Liquid Gold” may seem like a lofty claim, but we truly believe that there’s nothing else quite like Ageless Multi-Collagen. Here are some of the big differentiators:

FOUR Sources, FIVE Types. We truly believe that a collagen powder providing multiple sources of collagen, including the most heavily researched types of collagen, is ideal to provide the most robust full-body nutritional support.

THIRD-PARTY TESTED. Like all BioTRUST products, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric undergoes stringent, comprehensive third-party lab testing to verify potency (i.e., what’s on the label is in the package; you’re getting what you’re paying for) and purity. Along those lines, it is meticulously screened for an array of contaminants – such as heavy metals, micros (e.g., yeasts, molds, bacteria) and allergens – to ensure your safety.

EFFECTIVE DOSING. Would you believe that there’s still companies out there providing only a dusting of collagen? Listen, the research is clear that in order to promote the most robust array of full-body benefits, you need to be consuming 10 grams (or more) of collagen protein per day. And this is clearly not a case of less is more; in fact, less is simply less.

TOP-QUALITY SOURCING. In addition to third-party verification of potency, purity and safety, you can rest easy knowing that the collagen in Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric only comes from top-quality sources, such as BSE/TSE-free, pasture-raised and hormone- and antibiotic-free cattle. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free.

NO CLUMP. Ageless Multi-Collagen put its name on the map for many reasons, not the least of which were that it was truly tasteless and clump-free. While we went next-level with the taste of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric, it’s still the same clump-free collagen formula that’s made waves through the industry.

TASTES GREAT. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is one-of-a-kind in more ways than one, including its great taste. If you’ve tried other collagen supplements, you know that their taste can range from putrid to tolerable, at best. In line with the standard set by other Ageless Multi-Collagen products, Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is in a class of its own when it comes to its savory, spicy and delightful taste. While you can add it smoothies, teas and recipes, we have a feeling you’re going to like this one ‘neat’ so that you can enjoy all the exotic, complex and bold taste it has to offer. One of our favorite preparations is to mix one scoop of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric with 8 ounces of hot coconut milk for a delectable Golden Latte – it makes for a perfect night cap!

What About Bone Broth? Bone broth is (once again) all the rage, and indeed, bone broth can be quite nutrient dense, providing certain minerals (such as calcium and magnesium), amino acids and proteins, such as collagen protein. However, while it’s touted as a source of collagen protein, research shows that the collagen protein content of bone broth can vary wildly, and importantly, bone broth is not as robust a source of the key amino acid (glycine, proline, hydroxyproline) as that which is typically used in research studies. What’s more, bone broth tastes like, well, you know…

COMPLETE PROTEIN. Unlike other animal-derived protein sources, collagen is an “incomplete” protein. Meaning, like many plant-based sources of protein, collagen does not contain all the essential amino acids. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric overcomes this limitation with the addition of L-tryptophan, which is missing from collagen by nature. That means that Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is a complete source of protein, and that means it contributes toward your daily protein target – and all the reasons you seek to consume a higher-protein diet.

Simply put, there’s literally NOTHING else out there exactly like Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric. There’s a few products out there that attempt to combine collagen and turmeric, but none of them contain FOUR sources and FIVE types of collagen. And while there’s a sprinkling of other collagen powders with turmeric, they all pale in comparison to the creamy, delicious and enjoyable taste of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric – believe us, we tried them all.

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric Nutrition Facts

Ageless Multi-Collagen plus Turmeric Supplement Facts

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric the right choice for you?

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric is made with quality naturally sourced ingredients and features FIVE types of collagen from FOUR sources: grass-fed, pasture-raised beef, sustainable fish, egg, and chicken. It also provides you 1300mg per serving of our premium organic spice blend, which includes organic turmeric, organic ginger and organic cinnamon. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric dissolves easily and it delivers your body the building blocks it needs to support healthy skin, hair and nails, healthy joints and tendons, gut health and more. It is a COMPLETE protein, and it provides hydrolyzed collagen peptides for easy, rapid, and efficient digestion and absorption. Plus, IT TASTES AMAZING!

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric?

Add one (1) scoop to at least 8 ounces of any hot or cool liquid and mix thoroughly. Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric can be used multiple times daily. It can be added to smoothies and other recipes, or it can be used on its own (i.e., mixed with hot water, milk or your favorite non-dairy beverage).

Q: How many servings are in a bag of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric?

Each bag of Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric contains 20 servings.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No. This product is caffeine- and stimulant-free.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric contains ingredients derived from eggs, fish (white fish) and tree nuts (coconut). This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, milk, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat. Always review the label for the most accurate information.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

While Ageless Multi-Collagen + Turmeric was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bags. You’re always protected by our naturally honest 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Serving Size: 1 Scoop (15.2g). Servings Per Container: 20. Amount per serving. %DV (Percent Daily Value). Calories 60. Total Carbohydrate 3g 1% Daily Value. Dietary Fiber 1g 4%. Total Sugars 1g Daily Value (DV) not established. Includes 0 g Added Sugars < 1% Daily Value. Protein 10g. Sodium 120mg 5% Daily Value. BioTRUST Bioactive Peptide Blend: Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Peptides, Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides, Eggshell Membrane, Chicken Collagen 11.25g Daily Value Not Established. Organic Spice Blend: Organic Turmeric, Organic Ginger, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Black Pepper 1300 mg 5% Daily Value. Fermented L-Tryptophan 140 mg Daily Value (DV) not established. Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Peptides are Pasture-Raised. OTHER INGREDIENTS: Natural flavors, coconut milk powder, xanthan gum and stevia leaf extract. CONTAINS: Eggs, fish (white fish) and tree nuts (coconut). This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes egg, milk, fish, soy, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts and wheat.